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  1. Yes, CD, And I love to be spoiled!! lol And don'tplan on going elsewhere... I'm in Quarentine here, now!! he he :P From what I see you have Surpassed your goal... And Thank You, Judygram!!{Love-0002011E}
  2. I completely agree, Judygram!! I love it here!! This is the first forum I've been on for Greys... First one I came across and just love the atmosphere here... I think you guys Rock!! And, Yes, CD... It DOES feel wonderful knowing (or shall I say being reassured by a vet) that I am doing everything right...
  3. I know... Like I said... I DO appreciate the concern... I'm just reassuring you that you can rest easy... Jordane IS in good hands That way, you can enjoy YOUR Greys as much as I enjoy Mine he he (**back at'ch yas) There will be more pics of Jordane as soon as I get back "down below" where I can upload my phone pics... he he Seeing as I haven't gotten my digital camera yet... I rely on my camera phone... But hey... whatever works!! lol I love seeing everyone elses pics as well!!
  4. Actually, I do have an avian vet... He's rather eccentric but very knowledgable... He's more on the lines of homeopathic, which I like... But, he can charge an arm and a leg, so unless I REALLY need to take her in, why pay the outrageous prices??? I would be insane to... IF I had the means of having her looked at/groomed for a very reasonable price... I truly appreciate the concern, but I do have things covered
  5. Congrats, Heather!! It REALLY Was a Great Shot!! Great Job on the Banner, Tari!! Looks Good!!
  6. At My Work, we have a vet that comes 3x/year... And we have people from all over the area show up for it... The Vet travels all over the country doing these clinics... It's very safe (otherwise we wouldn't hold them & I certainly wouldn't take her to them)... He uses very little anesthetic and the exam is over quickly... It is just easier and less stressful on the bird to do it this way... And as far as trimming the beak, he just smoothes the tip so it isn't so sharp and then smooths the sides so there isn't rough edges... they have some nerves in their beak, but it doesn't go all the way to the tip, it's rather like a horses hoof or their toenails... He didn't take off much of her beak, just the sharpest part... I'm not great at explaining things, so please forgive me... And it doesn't seem to bother her... She's eating just like always... You wouldn't even know she had anything done to her...
  7. Yes... I hardly Put her in it, she does have some room to move around in it, but it is small... When I can afford one of those airline ones, I plan on replacing it... But, she goes in it no problem... And I'm not "stuffing her in it"... It was just the one that came with her... as soon as I pay her off and have the extra $$,I do plan on replacing a few of her things... But Thanx For Showing Concern, I do appreciate the thought
  8. Well, Sunday was the Bird Clinic @ my Work...It wasn't nearly as crowded as it was back in May... Anywho... The Vet Looked Jordane over and she weighs 380 grams, he said she looks good (Wasn't fat, wasn't underweight) and checked her breastbone to make sure is wasn't cracked or anything (I didn't think it was, but it's part of his exams)... He did say her wings were over clipped (wasn't by me...) and said she only needs the first 6 clipped, no more than that... anywho, so he trimmed the first six back up to the secondary feather line and then pulled about 4 on each wing of the overclipped ones so they'll grow back in quicker... He also pulled a few tail feathers that were broken from her over-zealous play-attacking of her toys lol Then he trimmed her beak back and smoothed it out... She Looked Gorgeous!! B) he he She was pretty much awake by the time he put her back in her carrier... We waited around a bit, while I ate Pizza and she finished waking up, then we headed home... Making a Pit stop to the Grocery Store so I could grab a few things... She got Doted on by the Cashiers... lol I snapped a pic of her sitting on her carrier on the way home... See Below ;)lol Anywho... All in All, It went good and she didn't even hold a grudge against me for having it done to her... She is such a Sweety!! he he Hmmm I THINK she LOVES Me!! lol Anywho... Just thought I would Share our little adventure and That she IS Healthy!! Just on the Smaller side for a Congo he he Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/15 14:56<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/15 14:57
  9. That was GREAT!! Thanks CD!! You are the best at making us feel all warm and fuzzy inside!! You Rock!!
  10. Pryde, She is Gorgeous!! Congrats on FINALLY Getting to Bring Her Home... I Know How Excited I Was, as I'm Sure EVERYONE Else Was, when We Brought Our Babies Home!! I'm Sooo Glad She's Adjusting Well!!
  11. Here's another pic of me, but this is NOT my Jordane... This is "Princess"!! Well, that's what I call her... She's about 9 1/2 Months old now a TAG that's for Sale at my work... She's pretty sweet, altho Starting to get nippy, but I think that is due to people trying to approach her too fast, pet her from behind, and she is getting to the age where she wants to see what she can get away with he he Anywho... Here's Me and "Princess"
  12. Congrats, Mark, On Making Moderator for the AG Room!! I look forward to learning much from you... I Know You'll do a fantastic Job!!
  13. I Love the Pictures, Heather!! They are BEAUtiful!! You Truly are a Talent... and to have such unique Geckos!! So Cool!!
  14. I feel the same as Tricky... I used to have a Tarantula... Her name was Grace... Short For Graceful Enchantment, That was until she molted into adulthood and Walla!! We have a BOY??!! he he He started becoming more nervous as I think he just wanted to go find a mate, so I didn't hold him as much after that... And His name changed to something else that we shouldn't say around young ears... :blink: he he But, I'm terrified of house spiders and Daddy Longlegs are the most scary!!
  15. What Cuties!! That's Cute that it's the Yorkie who's swimming whilst the GWP looks on... he he I Love German Wirehaired pointers!! My Friend Just Got a German Shorthaired Pointer Puppy... He's such a Nut!! lol
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