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About Santaeid

  • Birthday 08/09/1992

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. I have a male african grey timneh that will not stop trying to mate with me. I never pet anywhere except his head and as soon as I found out what it was I just give him something else to distract with. He only does it in his cage and when I stick my fingers in for a kiss. He has been doing this for months and is getting aggressive towards me and others. I have distracted him and only ever touched him on his head and have made sure to let others know. The worst thing is that I let him out with lots of toys to break and he seems content playing with them but due to him trying to mate with me he has started to pluck himself badly. He did this before but giving more light fixed him but it doesn't seem to be. No matter how many new toys or treats or attention that stops when it gets sexual he just seems to pluck more and more and it just disheartening me. I feel I am reaching a breaking point. I found a thing I am going to try called featherrific and avacann that may help calm and get his feathers back. From the day I got him he seemed very clingy but I think it's because his previous owner was a man and when I got him the caretakers were women. I remember when he flew to my shoulder be it.on purpose or accident the first time the lady showed me him.
  2. I plan to leave him flighted unless he is disobedient still then I will clip them. I know that sounds mean but I rather have him listen to me and not fly places he shouldn't and hurt himself since my house since it is very tall. I guess his wings will take a while to grow back and its good to know he is not plucking himself secretly at night. I am fine with him destroying cardboard and the wood toys (cheap and last a while). I just guess every bird is slightly different in their own way. I just wanted to know if it maybe meant something I wasnt picking up. I may try plastic bottles also since I have a few. I just thought they would be unsafe but he never eats the wood or cardboard so I guess okay. Are tere different sounding bells if that is even possible.
  3. So some of you may remember me and my bird Batman I got in May. He is a crazy enigmatic bird who I have named Batman. He is an African Grey Timneh BTW. So while he seems to be fine looking and mostly the same I have a few questions: 1. I got him a cage with a play area on top and he used to spend a lot of time there but now he likes to hide under his cage and take his toy with him under most of the time now and very rarely goes up? Is he sick or is he maybe just trying out different options or something else. 2. He seems to only like toys that can destroy or ones with bells. I have tried other toys of different colors and varieties that he can tug out, do bird math with bird abacus, and some interlocking chain stuff but he just wants prefers me giving him some cardboard or buying some toy made of different woods and he goes to town on it. I had to take the toy made of different woods outside and put it outside for him to play with it and make him jealous so that he would want it. 3. Are his wings okay. I am attaching some images to see how his wings are. I got him in mid-May and his wings had just been freshly clipped but I feel like his wings should have grown back already. 4. Also would he like a playpen like this if I got a large one for him? http://www.petco.com/product/118082/AAndE-Cage-Company-Table-Top-Java-Tree-Stand.aspx I have a tiny stand I occasionally put on my desk but I thought to give him something big he could play around with in my room since it is all carpeted instead of just being on a tiny stand. 5. Just looking for any suggestions as to better playpens and some toys to possibly attempt to stimulate anything but his destructive habits. That beaks looks mighty sharp .
  4. I know there are a lot of different kinds and was wondering which to feed. I checked my bird and the vet says he is healthy all around.
  5. I haven't found a treat like that yet. I hope to one day. With ym dog it is so much easier. Peanut Butter. She will do whatever you want if you give her it.
  6. I bet you are working with him to try to calm me down! I will not be offered as a sacrifice. But seriously, I am fine with the whole satanic gibberish. I just tell him what a good birdy because I heard that means he is trying to say new words. But he has a built in sarcasm laugh. Anytime something happens in a show or I get scared when I palyed a scary game he would laugh at me. And a few times I was playing a scary game and he started to flap his wings and make noises. EVIL!
  7. I see. Well I guess I will let him come out of his cage more. And the whole him figuring me out more than him scares me kind of lol. Mostly because at night he will laugh randomly and says gibberish. I just like to be safe and assume he is talking to the shadow people (that trailer for Deliver Us From Evil did not help either).
  8. Well I adopted a 9 year old TAG named Zeus and I am changing his name to batman (he will elarn to say I am the dark knight, I am batman one day but one step at a time). However, I am having problems and don't want to do anything wrong. He knows step up and does it fine when he is out of the cage but when he is in the cage he never steps up on my finger. Or he may but then he decides that he must try grabbing any aprt of the cage to escape. I usually let the bird on my shoulder or put him down on the table in front of me while I am working on my computer and he can walk around. I put some stuff on the table that he can mess around with and chew so he has stuff to do. Sometimes he stars squawking and running away when I try to make him step up outside. He has made progress though since this is about 30%-40% of the time when before it was almost all of the time. He only bit me once when I was getting near him but then my mom came out of nowhere and was getting close to so I think he got afraid but otherwise he has never put pressure on my finger again. Another thing is that if he gets on my shoulder he wont get off. He kind of arches back, gives me a look that looks like he is both irritated and astonished that I would dare move him, then squawks and runs to my other shoulder. My point is how do I get him to be okay with stepping up and getting near him more. I also cant get him to step up more than once on my fingers outside. He decides to glide away if I do that. I have him on Harrison's pellets and he eats that with ease and I change his water every morning, and I give him lots of treats all day, let him out every bit when I can finally get him to step up, and I put him in a room where people are so he can chat and play with other people. I have also had him for a month and a half now.
  9. As an update I was setting up his new cage in front of him and when I was moving it about I accidentally moved it erratically and he flew to the bed. After hopping around on different objects he finally stepped up on my finger when I finished the cage and he seems to be enjoying it because he is whistling a lot at first. Will post a picture of the bird and the cage as soon as I can. Also his full name is Batman Polly Manzoor Rehman but I think I will just stick with Batman for now. Now I just need to find an airline travel cage and get him used to it.
  10. I was just wondering if I was unable to find a way to figure out the information on the band and that a way exisited. Since the information on the band is not a birthday thing it doesn't matter. My concern was that if she was lying about the age what else could she be lying about. That was my main concern with the bird and the band information. Since the band can have all sorts of numbers and letters for different reasons it does not matter to me now. Thanks for letting me know this.
  11. I see. Well I was a little nervous because I thought I was moving locally a few miles away and wanted him used to his new cage but I see I should be more patient and now sicne that won't be happening I can be more patient. I was playing a scary game and the bird laughed when I was afraid and jumped. And he has learned how to shut off the light switch near his cage. What a little troll. But I something else has come up about my bird: When I got my African Grey Timneh the breeder lady told me he was 7 years old and was a rescue. The owner couldn't give him the attention anymore that he needed and so she took him in. I saw he had a closed band but my cousin noticed today that his band says RL CA 99 3 5 or 5 3 (not sure of order and the space is to show that the numbers are not next to each other). Now to me it looks like my bird was born either 3/5/1999 or 5/3/1999. Now my only problem with this is that this makes him over 15 instead of being 7. My only problem with this is that the lady lied to me and that she cares for birds and has a license so I had to pay tax. And that she should have known the proper age of the bird before she gave it to me. I just want to know if there is anyway to confirm this before I call the lady and ask about it. I feel that I deserve some monetary compensation for being misled. I have a cached copy of her webpage that now shows the bird was written to be about 9 years old. 9 and 15 are still quite a big difference.
  12. That is some bad english. I wrote this in a hurry on my phone so let me try to fix it up: When I got my African Grey Timneh the breeder lady told me he was 7 years old and was a rescue. The owner couldn't give him the attention anymore that he needed and so she took him in. I saw he had a closed band but my cousin noticed today that his band says RL CA 99 3 5 or 5 3 (not sure of order and the space is to show that the numbers are not next to each other). Now to me it looks like my bird was born either 3/5/1999 or 5/3/1999. Now my only problem with this is that this makes him over 15 instead of being 7. My only problem with this is that the lady lied to me and that she cares for birds and has a license so I had to pay tax. And that she should have known the proper age of the bird before she gave it to me. I just want to know if there is anyway to confirm this before I call the lady and ask about it. I feel that I deserve some monetary compensation for being misled. I have a cached copy of her webpage that now shows the bird was written to be about 9 years old. 9 and 15 are still quite a big difference.
  13. when i got my african grey timneh the lady told me he was 7 years old. my coysin looked at his band and saw it said RL CA 99 3 5 or 5 3. does that mean my bird is much older. i just dont like being lied to abd think i deserve monetary compensation for mix up especially since she is a breeder. ia there some way to double check. he is a rescue bird also wgoae owber couldnt give him enough atention
  14. I suppose its a mixture of impatience and excitement but mostly excitement. He let me pet him a little today and didn't freak out when my hand accidentally got near him. Usually he would freak a little. He also was doing some sort of evil witch cackle laugh when me and my cousin were whistling. He whistled really well and then laughed. And laughed louder as we laughed. Sometimes when we whistle he decides to puff his feathers up, rock his head up and down, and sometimes whistle along with us, laugh, or just rock his head and make no noise.
  15. Well I am ordered a cage and am getting one on May 7th the latest. Hopefully I can see if it will stuck somewhere at a UPS store nearby and I can pick it up tomorrow instead. I am talking and offering food and letting him meet fellow family members. Giving him his space though so he does not get too scared. Still won't let me near him but I am feeding out of my hand somewhat (have to put it a certain distance close to the tip of my fingers or he won't go near it if it is too close to the middle of my hand). But baby steps. I am trying to also prepare food for him also. Trying to get all the stuff I need. And need to get me some pellets. Will look into it more tomorrow. Whenever I get the cage it is going to be a hassle because I will have to deal with him not wanting to get near me possibly but hopefully it will all go well.
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