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  1. Yes, thanks! My daughters hamster has bitten and broke skin. I do understand the potential - a dog will bite unexpectedly in the right circumstances thats why they are called animals I suppose. I have been reading everything I can find, probably too much. The good news is I can find no evidence of a severe injury (like biting off a finger) caused by a grey...that seems like a great exageration. Could they? probably. Have they, ever? Doubtful or likely equivalent to lightning striking. I would like to get the TAG (mostly cause I have always wanted one) but it is a big investment both financially and otherwise. Unfortunately they are difficult to find locally so it seems the only choice is to hand over a wad of cash to a distant breeder and hope it all works out. Not sure I'm comfortable with that yet
  2. Hello - new user, been reading alot. I was all set to go pick up a 14week TAG but after reading posts here I am concerned. Many of the posts here make it seem that a Grey after about 1yr becomes a neurotic and potetially vicious mess - no matter how much attetntion you give them. I was hoping that a Grey would make a good new family member - emphasis on family. I have a 13yr son and 10yr daughter. I originally decided on a grey becuase I was looking for a relatively quiet parrot - and the birds intelligence just makes everything else inadequate. So help me to decide - can a grey coexist in a family with attention from all members of the family? We have no other birds (did own a Cockatiel) in the house and only a Westie (she don't bark etc.). We work all day 8-5 but thought with my son home all day this summer that would give ample time to adapt to our home.....your thoughts?? Post edited by: hwks1, at: 2007/06/02 02:26<br><br>Post edited by: hwks1, at: 2007/06/02 02:31
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