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Everything posted by PollysFamily

  1. We have taken her in a couple of nights running and she has been ok about it, she seems to enjoy herself and talks as soon as she enters. Only some of our family members have been there with her.
  2. They won't be in the same cage if they are in the same room, they will probably be in opposit parts of the room. ALso they won't be in contact, so they can't start any wars or get any illnesses.
  3. Thanks for all the great tips, we will keep them in mind when we make our decision. But i have one question before we decide, why does Polly have to be in a different room as Elmo (neighbours parrot) and herself get on pretty well?
  4. We are going away for a weeks holiday in Norfolk, but without our pattot. Our neughbour has a grey aswell and is willing to look after Polly for us until we return. But is it best for her to stay here in the house or to go into the home of our neighbour? Our neighbours will visit reguliary and leave the TV on for Polly when she isn't here. We are trying to find the best possible way in which not to stress her and make her pluck.
  5. I no about patience, and we are being very patient. Last night we tought her to step onto Nathans hand, he is the one shes attached to. The reason why she was soo bad was because the past owners basically mullered her wings, we got them re done but still no improvement. Polly is about 18 months old, she is still a little baby
  6. We got a book, now we know alot more. She is improving everyday and very soon she will be sitting on our shoulders! Now we steps on aswell. The only bad point is that in her old home they clipped her wings really bad and now she keeps falling off of things, we have got a doctor to clip them properly. Is there anyway we can teach her to glide properly?
  7. We got an african grey 3 days ago, we have been trying our best to train her and all she does is bite. In her prevous home she was locked in a bedroom all day, her only company was the TV! Our family is letting her out daily and she is getting better. She lets us put our hands in her cage to feed her and she don't bite as much. But we want to get her to become much more tame with us, to become our compainion. She cant fly because she had her wings clipted, but she still trys to but falls off her cage and hurts her self, she even trys to fly when she is on the ground, but she fails. Does anybody have any tips on helping us train polly, it would really help. Thanks
  8. For CaspersMum - No, she was kept in a bedroom for a year, we saved her basically. for everyone - Thanks for all the advice, we will look for a book straight away! :woohoo:
  9. Hi Amy, Welcome, i am very new too as you may have noticed. I hope you enjoy your stay and learn more about baby african greys and adult ones! {Nature-000200AA}(couldnt find a parrot, lol)
  10. Has any one got any great idears on how to train or tame my new baby African Grey, Polly. We have only had her a day and she is young so we want to get her tame as quick as possible.
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