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Everything posted by RomeoANDJuliet

  1. Just thought I would add my bit of info hear. I buy young grey's and handfeed, wean, and fledge them from a breeder near me and in my experiance the best person you can talk to about almost anything is Bobbi Brinker. She wrote the book "For the love of Grey's" and that is one of about 2 dozen books I bought and read. From what I learned fledging is very important for a young grey and I noticed a big difference between the first dozen grey's that I clipped after only a few days of flying and the one's I allowed to fly for about 3 weeks before clipping. They are more confident and alot more nimble on there feet. They also are nowhere near as clumsy as some grey's I have seen. Also with grey's I believe that the following link is the most trouble free wing clip for the grey's who are a bit more conscious about how there feathers are clipped. http://www.birdsnways.com/wisdom/ww25ev.htm The most important thing to remember when you get a baby and let it fledge is to always check where your grey is when you open he door, don't leave any doors open, and in the room where you let them learn to fly cover all windows and mirrors to avoid injury. And a must is a bird diaper suit. It avoids alot of messes to clean up. And if you do like I did with my two grey's I kept I chose not to clip them and bought a suit called "The Aviater". I take my grey's outside a few times a week and have never had any problem's with it. It is the only one I was willing to take my birds outside on and I have bought 4 not counting this one so far. Plus letting them fly like that seems to have made them alot more active and playful then before I started doing this. If you have the chance I would allow your grey to learn to fly when its flight feather's grow back and you will see a big change in your grey's attitude that will last long after you clip the wings later on. Good Luck. Joe
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