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  1. We first decided with Gia, but because we know another Grey named Giana, we had a hard time not calling our bird Giana. So we both decided on Luna. :-) Luna came home on 10/28/07 and has settling in quite nicely! I love this little girl so much!
  2. do you have a picture of your cozies and how they're put together? I'd like to make something like this for the pvc gym I'm about to build!
  3. OMG Joe, that stand is AWESOME. Would you consider wholesale? I work at a bird store and I think the owner would REALLY be interested in reselling them. Either way, where and how much can I get one for myself? Would you be able to make one that would be portable and fit into a bathtub? My birds all shower in the tub in the winter time! AWESOME, do you have pictures of any others you've made? I haven't searched posts yet, but will do that soon.
  4. Lisa, I have sanded the pipes down to get this stuff off... plus, sanding usually gives the birds a better grip too so you don't always have to use vet wrap. :-) The rougher the sandpaper you use the better. Just be sure to clean the pipes thoroughly to remove loose pieces. Very nice stand you made there, I'm trying to get ideas to make one myself.
  5. Does anyone have any pictures of home made pvc gyms they've made their babies? I'm about to embark on one myself and want to get some ideas. Thanks!
  6. Thanks everyone. With my daughters help, we've narrowed it down to the following: Juji Luna Gia My daughter really wants Gia... and I really want either Luna. I really like Juji too, but my daughter says it's sounds too silly. LOL. This is soooo hard! By the way, I haven't figured out how to post pictures in a message yet... but there are pictures of her in my profile!<br><br>Post edited by: WonderMomma, at: 2007/10/11 19:20
  7. Hello everyone! So I joined this forum in May of this year but have only posted on it once (re: homemade cargo net). I didn't have a grey at the time, but I am now "expecting". HAHA I am a single "parront" to seven other parrots, a beautiful daughter and 2 kitties; Dejia (human) | Poppee (CherryHead) | Romeo (GreenCheek) | Juliette (Nanday) | Mo (DYH Amazon) | Jasmine (YCM Macaw) | Valentine (PF Lovebird) | Cupid (PF Lovebird) | Sebastian (Kitty) | Buddy (Kitty) COMING SOON: Baby Girl Grey (need to choose a name!) who is my profile picture. I work PT at a parrot shop near my home and take care of over 168 birds of various species. Every time I go to her enclosure, she'd come running to see me. She seeks me out whenever I walk by and is just the sweetest little girl. Las weekend I officially put dibs on her at the store. YAY! About her: she is theee sweetest baby Grey in the entire store. She's a large Grey, with both light and dark shades of grey... perfectly rounded beak and beautiful eyes. Get this... she only has three toes on her right foot ( I just noticed this about her a couple of days ago!). She's a "beaky" girl, but never bites down hard and LOVES scritches. She'll will sit on my chest and cuddle under my chin and close her eyes. I've already taught her the kissy noise. LOL She's in an enclosure with another Congo, a Timneh, a Goffin, a Rose Breasted and a Lesser Sulfer (all babies) and she constantly watches me when I'm in her sights. She runs right up to the door when I start walking towards her and has already learned the "up" command (she did not know this last as of 10/1). She's just gorgeous, sweet and a complete butterball!! Now for the names. Of course, I'm looking into African names (how original eh? NOT) and have a few others in mind. I am open for ANYTHING. I just want to keep it simple for her to learn and make sure it's not something Greys have a hard time pronouncing (is that true that there are some sounds they cannot make?). I appreciate your feedback on the ones I have listed here... or any new ones you might want to suggest. I'm looking for something DIFFERENT, unique and suitable. THANKS EVERYONE! I'm so excited!! She'll be coming home in a month or so (she's on regular food but still receives one hand feeding a day). Asha - life Juji - heap of love Penda - love (variation Pendi) Dalila - gentle in her soul Lewa - beautiful Mandisa - sweet (variation Madisa or Mhadi) Luna Dolce (as in Dolce Gabanna) Freya (Norse Goddess of Love) Eden Gia Suki Nadia Bella Karma I'm also down for combining any two, though I'm sure I'll only use the second one when she's being naughty! Much like when I call my daughter by first and middle name! I would like to follow this post up in Pt. 2 a bit later by telling you all about the rest of my beautiful fids... but wanted to post this one first as I'm going to be going to see my grey baby tomorrow and would like to figure out what I'm going to name her before then! Thanks again! [/img] Post edited by: WonderMomma, at: 2007/10/10 17:12<br><br>Post edited by: WonderMomma, at: 2007/10/10 17:14
  8. Hi everyone - I am not a grey owner (yet), but I ran into this thread and wanted to post a reply. I went through a DIY phase last summer and created a cargo net, playstand, and large portable perch for my babies. They all turned out pretty well, in my humble opinion. (the portable perch wasn't that hard as you'll see in the picture). For the cargo net, I purchased about 50 ft of 1" natural cotton rope on ebay, which I still have plenty of. I too, was perplexed on how to assemble this but had a good picture in my head of how I wanted it to look and function. My biggest challenge was the intersecting joints... which, as previously suggested by another member, I used smaller cotton rope to tie the two intersecting ropes together. On each end, there is about 1.5" pine dowel (purchased and cut at home depot) about 2 feet in length. I drilled several large holes in each of the dowels (this was one of the more difficult parts as I did this in my living room, not a garage or workshop, using my feet as a vice!) to thread the rope through. Then I just measured out equal lengths of rope for the length and width, making sure to allow PLENTY of extra on the ends of the ropes being threaded through the dowels, as the knots took up several inches. To make sure it was taut between both dowels, I threaded one dowel all together first... then had my daughter hold it while I threaded the other dowel. Then I took thinner strips of cotton rope to tie the intersections together. On both ends of each dowel, I tied one 1/4" cotton rope to provide something to hang the net by both ends. You can see what I mean in the pictures. I was concerned about my popcorn ceiling, so I made my own ceiling protector with a 28lb piece of paper and a starbucks coffee cup. :-) As you can see, after nearly a year, they have not gotten through either one of those yet (which I'm sure would be different for an AG). This construction has proven to be great because they have wood to chew on and the thinner cotton used to tie the intersections allows for me to hang toys fairly easily. And this size works for all my birds... from my Green Cheek Conure, Romeo to both my med. sized Conures; Juliette - Nanday & Poppee, Cherry Head and right on up to my slightly pudgy Double Yellow Headed Amazon, Mo. :-) The portable perch you see below the cargo net has been great too. It's simply a garment rack with "vet wrap" rapped around the metal bar where the clothes are hung. It's got an adjustable height, wheels and is completely portable. I use it to take my babies outside for fresh air or to be misted. Hope this helps!! Jennifer I'm not sure if I inserted thise pictures correctly, so if they don't show here, they are in my profile. :-)<br><br>Post edited by: WonderMomma, at: 2007/05/15 20:50
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