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Everything posted by Tokisdad
I not sure who to ask about this. But I would like to change my screen name to Tokisdad. Anyone know who would be the best person to talk to about this? I know I could just reregister but I don't want to loose my message stuff.
Thanks for the advise. I feel much better about Toki riding in the car. I will have plenty of time to spend with her, no problem there. I think we will have lots of fun. It's great to be able to call on the experience of other Grey owners. Thanks again, Bill and Toki
Thanks, there is one vote for take her with me. I do have one other question. It will be a 12 to 15 hour drive split over two days. Has anyone taken their Grey on a road trip like that? Did your Grey do ok with it? Thanks, Bill....
I work for NASA, I have to go on remote deployment for 6 weeks or so. In the evenings when I get home Toki will spend most all evening sitting on my shoulder. We eat dinner together, we watch TV, and play the how many times will he hand it back if I drop it game and telling each other stories as she talks like a normal female, all the time, hehehe. She is 15 months old and I have never left her that long before. She has lived in the same cage in the same spot all her life. There are plenty of people at home to take care of her, but I don't know how she will react with me gone so long. I am considering taking her with me. Anyone here ever traveled with your bird like that? How did your bird react to new surroundings? How did your bird react to a smaller travel cage? In your experience would it be better for the bird to just be left home?
I can add to what number6 said; in Tyler is a good place to get your baby. I have purchased one from them and my brother is waiting for his baby to hatch. The owner, Lon, is a great guy. The baby birds are kept in a special room in his house away from the noise of the aviary. They are all friendly, sweet and not afraid or shy... Post edited by: Loofa, at: 2008/01/06 23:23<br><br>Post edited by: Loofa, at: 2008/01/06 23:26
Well all this talk about Toxic Food is not helping me any. I spent hours on that Spaghetti Dinner, nobody touched it, I poured it out in the dogs bowl...and he ran away. There's some toxic stuff for ya.... {Feel-bad-00020068}
It may sound strange but my Grey seems to be afraid of the color Red. Odd since her Tail is Red and she isn't afraid of it. She won't have anything to do with red things. If I give her red apples she throws them away, same with radishes. I got her a swing, it has red blocks on each end, she doesn't swing on it, only attacks the blocks. I ordered an aviator harness and of all the colors it COULD have came in, yep, it was red. Can't use it. I have had her since she was 12 weeks old. She is now 8 months old. I can assure you nothing red has ever hurt her. So what could be up with this??? Maybe she knows her Tail is red and thinks red is an intrusion by another bird.
Poor baby. I did the same thing to Toki. She always talks to herself in my big bathroom mirror when she is on my shoulder or when I hold her up to it. She tells herself, "itchy bird" as I scratch her. I thought she would like it, so I put a small one in her cage, (Bad Idea), when she saw it she went absolutely ballistic, screaming and striking it with her beak. She must have thought it was an invader. I won't do that again either.<br><br>Post edited by: Loofa, at: 2007/11/09 20:46
I purchased the Aviator Harness also. Or as Toki thinks of it; the "Satanic Bird Eating Noose of Death". My hands are covered with bleeding holes from trying to put it on her. I gave up, it's nothing more than a chew toy now. However, she will allow me to place a Velcro band around her leg. I attached the band to the elastic leash that came with the above item. We go to all over town now and she loves going. Think about making your own, you know what your bird will and won't allow, It's fun to do and saves a chunk of money....
Toki decided she likes biting on finger nails. I want to teach her not to do this. I read here, someplace, that to stop their baby from biting; one owner would grasp their birdie's beak, gently shake it and say "No". Well I tried that approach. Now, not only does she like to bite nails, she also just Loves to have her beak shaken. I'll be watching TV and she will come over and stick her beak between my fingers and stand there waiting for me to shake it. What would be a good way to try and get her to stop biting finger nails?
I don't have internet at home. So I'll check back in on Monday to look at any other tips or advise anyone may have. Thanks, Bill
Hey All, Toki is doing about the same. Zupreem is the only brand of pellets I have tried so far. I give her fresh or canned veggies every day. She loves to shred them into tiny pieces. I also give her fresh fruit everyday. She does the same with it. I hope she is getting some food value from doing this. She still wants to be hand fed in the evenings so I mix up some baby food (oatmeal, mixed veggies and sweet potato's) and feed it to her from a syringe. I sit her by me anytime I am eating, hoping the monkey see monkey do thing will work. She tries everything but usually throws it down. She just doesn't seem to like anything except seeds, baby food and cheese. I only give her about a nickel sized piece of sliced cheese at a time. All I know to do is to keep giving her all these good things to eat and hope she will decide to like something.
Hyperthermia, is "Heat Stroke" If you are referring to Hypothermia then; Most people wouldn't die in water that warm. However, the very young, very old, or ill people could develop Hypothermia at around 3.5 hours and die any time after that.
Ok, I feel better about it. Thanks for all the replys.
They say dinosaurs evolved into birds. I think my CAG, Toki, is evolving the other way. Sometimes she acts like a little Greylociraptor. She attacks some toys with great fury and scary growls. Is this common for Greys? I assume she is just playing. I hope she isn't really scared of these toys. She is 15 weeks old. She has been home three weeks. Everything seems to be going great. She is trying to say her first word "Hello", but it comes out as Hihoe, sounds really cute.
Finally got a pic of Me and Toki. It i'snt very good but it will do.
How long does it take your Grey to accept and eat new food? I got Toki a bag of ZuPreem Harvest Feast 4 days ago and she won’t eat it. She sticks her beak into the bowl, shakes her head and all the food goes flying. Other times she ignores it completely. She likes to eat at night when I put her to bed. I wanted her to eat the ZuPreem, so last night she went to her tree all I gave her was ZuPreem. In the morning she had ignored it and was acting very hungry when I came in. I felt like I was starving her so I got her a bowl of seeds and she dug right in. Should I leave the new food longer and hope she gets hungry enough to eat it? Or just consider it something she won’t accept?
Thanks everyone for Toki's warm welcome. I'm going to Petsmart this evening, I'll look for an Avaitor Harness.
Well, I can join the club now also. Her first night at home, last Friday, Toki was on the back of the sofa. She was walking back and forth looking at all the new sights. On one pass she decided to step off the sofa onto my shoulder. She missed a step got off balance and started to fall. She reached out with her beak for the nearest object to stop her fall, grabbed on to it and fell anyway. It was my Left Ear. Next thing I know, I’m wearing a Parrot Ear Ring. OOOOOOOUCH!!! Five days ago, and my Ear is still sore. :blink:
Just one more thing to help everyone concerned about the dog, feel more at ease. I have installed a spring closed door on Toki's room. It cant be left open and only a human can open it. So the chances of them accidentally being alone together when I am gone are slim.
Hey CD, Yes she does bite at the ty straps. She finds them very interesting. I was afraid to use any kind of glue, and with the straps, I can move the limbs around from time to time. I'm sure she can't bite through them. Yes the tree is homemade but it is very safe. It has steel legs bolted through the trunk and then the legs are bolted to the floor. I'm bet it would be the only thing standing if we were hit by a tornado, Yes 6, she came from Passion Parrots Avery in Tyler. We are having so much fun. All she wants to do is be in the room with us or on one of us. I try to wash dishes and she will waddle to the kitchen and climb up my leg and all the way to my shoulder if I let her. She will probably get her way often since she is the only girl in the house. She already has my son wrapped around her pin feather, :laugh:
Toki came home on July 20th. She is such a sweetheart. I expected her to be afraid of her new surroundings for a few days, but not so. With in an hour of arriving home, she was waddling through the entire house looking things over. She didn’t even mind the dog. The Aviary she came from also raises dogs so she is use to their sight and sound. More on that in a minute. Anyway here is Toki. The dog was a little aggressive with her at first. He kept poking her with his nose and knocking her over. On day two she had enough and she taught him a lesson. It didn’t take very long at all, but the point was driven home, the true owner of the floor was established and someone learned the real power of a beak. By day four, Toki and Emmit had drafted a Treaty and are now good friends. They sit together and look out the window. He cleans up the food she throws on the floor. They are having a great time now. I still won’t leave them alone in the same room. She really likes her Tree. Of course her favorite limb is the one with the food and water supply. She won’t drink from a bowl yet so I was forced to get her a water bottle. I would like to get her to use a bowl but I’m not sure how to go about making her switch. Any advise? More later…..<br><br>Post edited by: Loofa, at: 2007/07/24 17:31
Yeah!!! Toki gets to leave the Breeder and come home today. She is 12 weeks old, but the breeder says she is weened, flying, jabbering up a storm and is ready for her new home. Welcome Home Toki...