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Everything posted by Meshewa

  1. Thanks guys! I think I'll go shopping at the toy store next payday! B)
  2. I'm curious as to what other parrot owners think about using children's toys for your parrot, given that you always supervise them and only use clean toys, etc. I'm asking as eventually I would like to teach my parrots certain tricks with props, and was wondering if anyone else does this too. Thanks in advance!
  3. My MySpace address is www.myspace.com/meshewa My page is private (for several reasons, lol) but I will accept you guys as my friend if you want to get to know me a little better.
  4. Thanks for the tips! I've been rather busy lately so I haven't had a chance to get on here. I have a spare perch I'll start to use.
  5. They pronounced it differently. But, yea, I thought about shortening it to Benji, as a nickname.
  6. I named my little guy Benjamin. I named him after Benjamin Franklin, as I got him right before Independence Day (my favorite holiday) and since Franklin was so intelligent. His previous name was Idiot. :huh: There was no way I was going to keep that name.
  7. *Matchmaker, matchmaker, find me a match, make me a match. . . * :silly:
  8. Okay, well where I'm at it's after midnight. . so we've lived through yet another Friday the 13th. I'm going to bed so I can get up early enough to make it to work on time. {Communicate-000200D7}
  9. Either that, or he'd go against us with oxygen! *Dun, dun DUN!*
  10. Hitting people out cold with an oxygen tank? People in crossfire? {Feel-bad-00020072} EEk, I'm scared!
  11. Does this count as strange? I just got home from going to the gas station (wow. . my jeep drinks more than I do. . and gasoline is getting to be more expensive than mixed drinks!) While I was sitting at a red light, two kids on a bike cut off a cop, then ran a red light right in front of the cop. It was a short chase, but very entertaining. FYI, I don't live in the best part of town, and it was 9:30pm when this happened, and there were cruisers everywhere! Some people just aren't as smart as others.
  12. So, has anything weird happened to anyone today? So far, nothing out of the ordinary has happened my way.
  13. If a black cat crosses your path, it's bad luck. So if a white cat crosses your path, does that mean good luck is to come? And what about a calico? My neighborhood has a LOT of stray cats.
  14. Oh man, this is going to be a very interesting post! Wait. . it already is!
  15. Okay, thanks a lot! I really need to learn to go back to the begginning of forums, and look for myself. {Emotions-000200B8}
  16. He's not wild, actually, but has only been handled when his wings were clipped or to move from one cage to another. Right now, my 8 year old TAG is terrified of people. He wasn't offically a rescue, but he isn't used to people either. I am willing to put in the time and effort to teach him to tollerate me, then trust me, and hopefully more in the long run. I am open to any suggestions about how to help him relax with his new home. So far, I simply sit next to his cage for about an hour a day and talk to him constantly. I leave the radio on for him during the day, and he gets along with my other parrot. I was very excited yesterday, when he calmed down enough to clean his feathers while I was next to his cage. Are there any exercises anybody could sugguest to help him out? I am open to any ideas. Thank you in advance!
  17. I'm 21 as well. . .for another month.
  18. I love Friday the 13th! It is always more interesting than any other typical day.
  19. I'm glad to hear this, as I just got my 8 year old TAG this month; and he was never taught to talk. My Quaker however, is trying to teach him what he knows!
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