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  1. Its horrible when they get hurt, especially when you've done all you can for them . I hope she heals up soon
  2. Brutus waves bye byes (thats what he says when he waves). I didn't teach him that, my 2 year old did. He just stood in front of brutus saying bye byes and waving until brutus started to do the same. My son also kept blowing him kisses until brutus started touching his beek and saying muah:laugh:
  3. haha need to see things like that in the news more often. :laugh:
  4. Thank you! I'll be tryin to get some oil if not nuts payday. I might even try cooking with the oil, I fry way to many foods:P
  5. Ive recently decided to try some "native" foods mixed in with my grey's normal diet. Ive been tring to find some info on what they eat in the wild (like specific types of fruits etc) and havent had much luck. Has anyone else found anything reguarding wild grey's diet, or have any Idea where I can find this info? Also, a dumb question here. How do you get seeds to sprout without planting them? Amber
  6. Brutus still falls on occasion, and hes 3 yrs old. But hes constantly swinging on toys and having a good time. He also likes to terrorize house guests by purposly getting off his perch and running across the floor to get on the couch with them. As they get older, generally they are easier to train to stay on a perch. Brutus does unless someone is eating something that looks yummy.
  7. Thanks talon, I knew I was going to have to make a midnight run to the store for something.... right now Im getting my other faverite excersize, 12 oz curls...
  8. Im not so sure about that, he dont seem to learn. The bird is definatly smarter then the man, and so much easier to please haha:laugh:
  9. I felt so bad, even a couple years later I cringe thinking about it. The vet did a good job, and was shockingly cheap. the cast, bloodwork and everything was only $200 US. My husbands broken leg cost over $12000 us. Hes been told next time he hurts himself hes going to brutus's doctor lol
  10. I have to say this is one of the best forum sites Ive ever been on. Everyone is friendly and helpful, and getting a forum created in a day is unheard of anywhere else. So I want to thank everyone for making this such a nice site:)
  11. Judy's is a faverite of mine as well. I also jog a mile or so on the treadmill daily, and every other day I go down in the basement, beat on the heavy bag for a while, and use the olympic weight set down there doing bench, squats skullcrushers etc. Been trying to get the enormous amount of weight I gained with my son off finally, its coming slowly off, but giving up the ice cream would be my biggest help, but that aint happining ever :lol:
  12. I have a bad first, first emergency run to the vet. One day, I was at school, hubby was getting ready for work when he saw Brutus on the bottom of his cage. When he moved he limped. Husband immidiatly called off work, then called me at school to get home right away. Whe made the hour and a half drive to the nearest avian vet. Brutus had a broken leg, and ended up with a tiny birdy cast for a few weeks. It looked soo funny once he wasnt hurtin anymore. Everything healed perfect, and youd never know it had happened. Thats also how we found out he likes the biscuits from popeyes chicken
  13. Brutus has the hanging upside down habit too, he'll swing upside down and yell, then hang by one foot, then he lets go with the other foot and falls. He'll yell a min the climb back up and do that again. It was actually scary till I saw that he dont seem to hurt himself doing that, but whenever he falls a do break a sweat even when Im laughing.
  14. Faverites that are "good" are bannana, oranges, and apples. He will do anything for a small piece of wally's pizza though (thats the only pizza he will literally do anything, including just taking it right off your plate, for).
  15. Brutus said his first word at about 4 months and hasnt shut up since. He only has to hear something once to repeat it. Hes also been learning as my son has. at three years old he waves and blows kisses. Early mornings I get about 20 min of bloodcurling screaming and laughter mixed together, followed by my name repeated over and over...and over. He usually talks in context, and during the day its a mix of talking and noise. Evenings hes usually pretty quiet, maby some mumbleing.
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