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  1. Karla


    hey, So here is what happened, When we left and got to the airport Tequila was a little scared and had a fright of people walking by, I just spoke to him the whole time and sat down and patted him. That seemed to calm him down. During the flight I was a bit worried and just prayed that my baby would be okay. When we landed I just rushed over to the place where we receive our luggage. Something funny happened as we were waiting for Tequila, A lady came to ask us if we are waiting for a dove....lol. So I thought the flight must have changed him into a dove...hehe! Anyway we got him and everything was fine, he was a very quiet and seemed stressed. I just gave him a lot of attention and as soon as we got to our families house and I gave him water and food he started with his funny noices so I knew he was Okay. Our flight back was even better, Tequila wasn't so frightened at the airport this time. He was climbing around in his cage and didn't look stressed at all. When we landed and went to get our luggage they brought Tequila to us and when he heard my voice he started wistling and saying hello. That was so cute, it was almost like he was getting used to this. Everybody at the airport just looked at us and I knew they all wanted to know what was in the cage. So ya everything went fine, Tequila is still a happy birdie and still does his thing as usual. I'm so happy! {Feel-good-00020114}
  2. Karla


    Thx again! I'll let you know how things went.
  3. Karla


    hey, Thx for all the replies, Well they told me that I can use any cage so I'm thinking of using a cage that is about 70cm high 47cm wide and the side is 37cm. All we have 2 do is cover the cage leaving only one side open. Will this be fine and i think I should cover him because he doesnt get along well with other people and if strangers come close to him he screams! Unfortuanatly pets aren't allowed to be in the cabin with me so he'll have to travel in the cargo bay. Will he be okay? The flight is only one hour. We will be gone for 4 days so i cant leave him at home. Lol I have booked a ticket for tequila allready and it is very cheap to transport him. R50 so thats about 3 USD. Once again thx for the replies and please feel free to leave more comments. Ps Im from South africa.<br><br>Post edited by: Karla, at: 2008/01/27 15:47
  4. My hubby named Jaco! Me Daddy an I... He is very camera shy! Me and Hubby... Just me Samantha our little flower girl Me... I had 2 look serious! This is my Fav wedding picture!! Hope its not 2 many photo's.
  5. Karla


    Hey guys/gals I would just like to know a couple of things regarding traveling on an airplane. 1. Is it safe for the bird to travel in an airplane? 2. What tipe of cage should i use that will be the safest? 3. Will anything bad happen? Okay thats all i wanna know for now. We are going away for the weekend and i DONT want 2 leave Tequila at home because here is nobody i can ask to take care of him while I'm away. I have a smaller cage that i can put him in as that is the cage we used 2 put him in when we drove for 6 hours and he was fine. The flight we are taking is only 1 hours flight. Will he be okay in that cage or should i purchase a special cage? Please respond because we are leaving in a week and i need to plan everything. {Emotions-0002011C} Thank you
  6. thanx guys, Stress powder is a powder you mix with water and then it turns orange and it looks like fake orange juice. You give it to birds that are traveling or even birds that are just handled. I'll tell you one thing... it really works. I think it's just something that calms them.
  7. Hi people... It's been a long time. So here's how it's been.... Me, my hubby and Tequila have moved. Yes, moved. Tequila had her first trip and by my suprise things went quite well! We moved 372 miles and Tequila traveled in the car with us. I gave her stress powder and lotsa attention during the trip. I think thats why she was fine and didn't have a problem traveling so far in a car. So Tequila is 100% fine and getting cuter by the day! She's not talking yet but I dont care bout that coz she is still the sweetest thing! She makes funny noises and loves 2 cuddle.... I hope everything is still going well with all of you and your greys.... I got a lot of catching up 2 do but I'll do it on a later stage because right now I'm using a dial up connection and it's soooo slow... Still waiting for them 2 install our adsl. Have a great day guys and gals. P.s Its so good 2 be back!! YEAH!
  8. Karla

    Roxy talks!

    You are right Ceasarsdad thats why I'm not even worried about it. Even if Tequila never talks I'll still love her. She is so cute. :silly:
  9. Karla

    Roxy talks!

    Hi Ice, I'm happy for you! Can imagine how cute Roxy is. Tequila doesnt talk yet but I'm not worried about that. You should make a video so we can hear what she says. Praat sy in afrikaans?
  10. hveusnthbrige, Nice pictures! Thanks for sharing!
  11. Hi, Congrats and like everyone said hope you have lots of FUN!! Pryde is a good name and suits such a pretty grey! Hope we see more photos..... we love photos. :silly:<br><br>Post edited by: Karla, at: 2007/08/06 22:23
  12. Thanx fairy!! Lol you're right about that first pic of max.... Only noticed now!
  13. Lean on me - Micheal Bolton.... I think
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