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Everything posted by soniagrey

  1. hey guys...i miss chatting with you guys...it has been a while. we are so so so so excited with the progress we are all making towards getting to know each other. we think of ms sonia as our first child and she instantly became part of the family. we talk about her and we shop for her as if she she was given birth to. thanks to you ALL ( to include everyone) we are becoming better parents......THANK YOU..........B) well, ms sonia is doing just fine with us since we first brought her home. now, she is climbing all over her cage and poopoing everywhere. this week she just started to leave her cage and walk the living room floor. there, she poops her brains out. the next time she gets out the cage and sets to poop, we will disrupt her and make her go back to the cage. we will try to do this often and teach her how to poop only in the cage. we will give her a treat if and only if she poops. what do u guys think about that strategy? one more thing guys.......we have yet to lay our hands on ms sonia. we wud try to pet her and she would open her mouth as if to bite. we get scared and we give up the idea.......lol......is it time yet to try to pick her up yet? if so, hit me back guys and let me know. till then......
  2. hey guys....thanks again for the advice on taking sonia on a road trip. we decided to take her on the trip because we couldnt image being without her for so long(4days)...thus, we took her along the trip was full of accidents which was remedied with clorox wipes. she didnt scream not once. both ways was great. this place was great and full of helpul insights...i thank you.
  3. i just got sonia and we are not that quite comfortable with one another. it will even be a task to get her into the traveling cage. we were thinking of breaking down the cage and set it up somewhere in my inlaws house. the house is real posh and im not sure how they will feel about having her in their house.?????? when i first got her, she rushed into the cage we had ready for her. so i didnt have to bother with transfering her then. i have heard of the towe method and i think that i will have to use that to get her in and out of the cages. the previous owner told me that he had to use te towel at first so, im hoping that she would be accustomed to it. im nervous and i hope that she will be ok during the ride down.
  4. my wife and i are going south for the upcoming holiday. we have no one to babysit sonia for us so, we decided to take her along......we are leaving to SC from NY, thats a ten plus hours or more trip. i have to get her a travel case for the ride. i am not sure what to do as we travel, in between route, or what to do when we arrive. remember she is nw to us and just starting to get used t her surroundings here. im not sure how the change of sceney will afeect her? im seeking out u guys for some assistance. what should i do?
  5. nah i have not previously owned a bird before. sonia is an older bird that i adopted from a student of mine. i took her to a reknowned bird expert and he suggested that the bird may be about 25 years old....can u believe that? he can tell by the ring that is on her foot.....(its outdated and no longer used)
  6. sonia has me worried....she wont whistle anymore...... when we first got her she responded when i whistled from time to time. now she wont. i know,i know. the mimics is not done on my command but it worries me that she wont do it after numerous attemps. i may seem a bit paranoid but i dont know what else to do. i have been reading on the net about how easily the stress and i dont want that for her. we supply her with a lot of love and yet she still wont let us pet her after three weeks. she still screams when we get close and do not have a treat in our hand....brat...... i am also noticing a little twitch that she is doing. should i be worried?.... help! sonia's parents
  7. ok, last post for the nite, day, morning....... ok, when i got sonia two weeks ago,, i was given a small sipply of the food that the previous owners were using. i took her to a reknowned bird guru, marc so n'so...i forget......and he had me to buy pellets, seed mix and vitamins supplement for her water. im reading everywhere that there diet should vary, how do i find out what she like without wasting food and money? i tried a combinatin of mixes.....pellets, seeds, fruits,........pellets and few seeds........seeds and few pellets.....i even gave her little carrots bits(not sure if she a fan yet though)......pellets seeds food from prev owner she doesnt seem to eat much of any of the combinations. her water seems not to be drunk from as much either....any suggestions about water intake?....... help is gravely needed ( ps.......thanks for ur help so far ceasarsdad B) )
  8. soniagrey

    nite time

    is it necesarry to cover the timnehs cage at nite? the previous owners srongly suggested that we make her bed time between 8/9 o'clock. my wife and i have been doing such but we miss her when she is covered. she is in the LR, where we spend a lot of time, esp after we cover the cage. we hear her playing in the cage and want to experience that firsthand. one other thing, whats the word with sandpaper perches? we have th perches that came with the cage and we see her rubbing her beak on it. should we get her one or no? i am so loving this site:woohoo:
  9. my wife and i have just adopted a timneh. she was given to us by my student. his family wanted another congo and decided to let me adopt her. she is a very pretty bird. we've had her for two weeeks now and we are seeing grea progress. the thing is, i think that she is territorial with her cage. she wont leave it. she will climb on top but wont climb down. to make matters worse, she runs backs inside when either one of us gets near. she recently began allowing me to place my hand inside without her screaming. she wont come to us. we get close when we give her grapes but that is all. is this bond/trust issue take a while? what is considered to be too long? can i use the toweling method to grab her, in hope that she realizes that we wont harm her? what about bathing her? i was told to just spritz her with warm water and allow her to air dry? i want to bath her and make fun out of it.....help us please!!! we are open to ay and all advice. please share. thank you two loving parents
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