ok, last post for the nite, day, morning.......
ok, when i got sonia two weeks ago,, i was given a small sipply of the food that the previous owners were using. i took her to a reknowned bird guru, marc so n'so...i forget......and he had me to buy pellets, seed mix and vitamins supplement for her water.
im reading everywhere that there diet should vary, how do i find out what she like without wasting food and money?
i tried a combinatin of mixes.....pellets, seeds, fruits,........pellets and few seeds........seeds and few pellets.....i even gave her little carrots bits(not sure if she a fan yet though)......pellets seeds food from prev owner
she doesnt seem to eat much of any of the combinations. her water seems not to be drunk from as much either....any suggestions about water intake?.......
help is gravely needed
( ps.......thanks for ur help so far ceasarsdad B) )