Thanks for the advice Inara. Yes, we are very aware of the "salmonella risk" of handling reptiles. For those who are un-aware turtle, infact most retiles, can carry salmonella bacteria on their skin/shell. The risk to humans is about the same as handling raw chicken and following the same hygene procedures as used in the kitchen when handing animals is recommended. Turtles have a bad reputation because many uninformed people buy a $10 Red Eared Slider at a flea market for a young child who promptly puts it into his or her mouth.
Our biggest concern with the turtle tanks -- we 12 in the living room right now, ranging from a small 20 gal tank for a hatchling to a 180 gal community habitat -- is that many of the tanks are not covered (drowning risk) and all have a high intensity basking lamp (heat risk). This is the main reason we had Alexandra's wings clipped just before we brought her home. She can glide and fly a short hop but not fly uncontrolled around the house. When she molts we plan to let her become fully flighted, after she has become acquainted with us, knows the apartment layout, learned to "come", and is somewhat aware of the dangers present -- turtle tanks, cat, dog, kitchen, etc.