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Status Updates posted by judygram

  1. Happy Birthday to you.

  2. Dee you always seem to know exactly what to say to people who are struggling with life's problems, the reply you made to Chezron is right on and if that doesn't make her feel better then nothing else will. People who are going thru a divorce especially the one being dumped on usually feel like they are worthless and have failed like she feels but I think with all our help she will come thru this feeling a lot better about herself and her fids will be a big comfort to her, she will be glad she didn't let them go. I just wanted to say thank you for your words of encouragement.

  3. Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a wonderful one today and many many more since you are just a young thing.

  4. Suzy, why not introduce yourself in the welcome room and tell us some about you and your grey if you have one and here is a link to making chop:





  5. Happy Birthday to you, hope it is the best one yet.

  6. Happy Birthday Kitt4kaz, hope it is the best one yet.

  7. You are most welcome Jill.

  8. There is no one thread where grey pictures are posted but you will find most of them in the grey lounge, photography room and the welcome room and thank you.

  9. Happy Birthday to you.

  10. Happy Birthday

  11. Happy Birthday Ray, I hope it is a good one and you are blessed with much happiness, good luck to you in the coming new year, may it be the best one yet.

  12. Welcome to the moderator team Sanggay, I know you will do a wonderful job just like your photography.

  13. Welcome back Susan.

  14. Happy Birthday to you, hope it is a wonderful one.

  15. Its nice to see you back and posting again, you have been missed.

  16. You have a beautiful grey, Brandi is adorable.

  17. You have a great sense of humor, what you wrote about procrastination and masturbation just about cracked me up, thanks for the laughter.

  18. Val, thanks for speaking out about your wild caught grey, I know it took a lot of courage to tell us about it and some may not agree with you. I wish the trade of wild caught greys could be stopped but you have my admiration for giving this bird a new home, just wanted to say thank you.

  19. Happy Birthday Heather, wow the big 40, thats an awesome age and yet so young, hope you have a wonderful day.

  20. Happy Birthday to you, hope you have a wonderful one today.

  21. Happy Birthday Ray, I hope your fids give you a wonderful day today as always and may you have a day filled with love and good cheer, you are so blessed.

  22. I love your new avatar of Egan, he is so precious looking.

  23. Happy Birthday Shana, you are still such a young person yet so hope you have a wonderful day today.

  24. judygram

    You are history

  25. Happy Birthday to you!

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