I'm so sorry that happened. You just never know what triggers them at times. I have 3 parrots, but one of my greys will get aggressive at times in the kitchen. She will attack an item, a dish, a plate, a pan, a box of plastic wrap, throw dishes & silverware on the floor over & over, boxes of crackers, cereal or pasta. Many times she is fine, but I have to always be on my guard. I am her 4th home & her forever home. so I don't know here history, ( I have had her for 16 1/2 years) I just stay on guard, I think sometimes the sounds of the dishes, or pasta shaking in a box etc. trigger her. I am super cautious when she is around. If possible, can you keep her out of the kitchen? If not, perhaps perches, toys, things for her to di, distract her may help. MY house looks lie a ginat bird cage with all the stuff I have hanging everywhere. I have also found an empty open paper bag & open empty box keeps her very busy while I am in the kitchen.
Best of luck & keep us posted!