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Talon last won the day on March 1

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About Talon

  • Birthday May 13


  • Location
    Massachusetts, USA


  • Occupation
    Bookkeeper, Food Safety Officer

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  1. OK, I was just seeing if I had it right! I will keep on the lookout near me!
  2. Wow, I just saw the prices, they are expensive! Is this what you are looking for? Or too small? Kings Cages Aluminium Parrot Travel - All Parrots Fertile Eggs
  3. Aww.. okay. Oops, I never even looked at how small it was LOL Are you set on a kings? Just curios, why not a different brand?
  4. At quick search, I found this , is this something you are looking for? King’s Cage ALUMINUM Travel Bird Cage Blue Lightweight 14 x 12 x 15 LIKE NEW VERY NICE BARELY USED $225 · In stock
  5. Oh my! I have one of my greys in my bedroom at night. She suffered from night terrors & would end up falling onto the bottom of her cage during the night. I put a thick folded towel on the bottom to soften her fall and a nigh light next to her cage with her covering open on the sides so she can see during the night. That seems to have helped her get thru the night with no episodes. I will search for you on my marketplace & if ZI find one, I would be happy to get it & send it to you. Would you want a travel cage for him at night? Or is that too small?
  6. Oh my, what a tragic event for you both! I am amazed & glad he made it through that! Has it occurred to you he has scar tissue from such a sharp item being stuck? It may hurt him to eat anything other than soft foods. Maybe he feels cared he is gonna get something stuck again, thus having you there for comfort while he eats? He may just need very soft foods like baby type foods, mashed potatoes, porridge, super soft pasta? It may hurt him to eat anything that is not super soft, tissue/scar damage can be painful . Just my thoughts. Have you tried leaving applesauce or soft butternut mashed squash for him in his bowls while you are gone to see if he tries to eat by himself. He may just lie the comfort, clearly he is still troubled & traumatized from his life-threatening ordeal. Maybe in time he will gain confidence that he can safely eat by himself , you may just have to be patient. He can't tell you why he is scared of if anything still hurts when he eats.... Please keep us posted
  7. Happy New Year to all our family & our feathers, & fur families! We put our Xmas tree between the bird rom & living room where we have 2 French doors, It is amazing how my parrots squeeze thru to fly to their cages at night!
  8. Love this! LOL Well, I went thru all the 8 boxes I have in my freezer ( I buy them when they are on sale) Only 2 boxes have a matching lot code, the rest are not on the 18 page recall list, so I think I'm good. I did buy the Eggo's brand yesterday for today's breakfast. I'll see how well they went over when I go home from work today.. It's funny how well they have us trained!
  9. Cooking does kill listeria, also they were not all listeria positive, it was just a chance..so I am feeling better today that they should be ok. It's listeria mono that is the problem, not listeria species as much
  10. Thanks for not scolding me as so many FB groups did about feeding them waffles. They DO get a veggie mix & healthy food every day. This is just a breakfast treat with the other foods I mentioned. Getting so beat up elsewhere I appreciate not getting beat up here.
  11. Yes, I have already done that. Part of my job at work is being Certified Food Safety, so I get all the latest recalls from the FDA as soon as they come out. I did check the Lot codes & Many boxes I have in my freezer are on the recall list. My parrots were not happy to not have waffles today. I may have to try the Eggo's, they are made from a different company and not part of the recall. although they don't prefer those for some reason...
  12. Feeling sad & concerned. I have 2 greys & an amazon; I give them toasted frozen waffles cut into bit size pieces for breakfast along with some toast every morning in their cages before I go to work. I just saw the waffle recall for frozen waffles including the brand I use. It can take up to 70 days before you see symptoms, I am worried... I hope they don't have any issues from this, but I won't know for over 3 months...this definitely worries me. I buy them when they go on sale & stock up, it is a daily staple for them...:/
  13. I'm so sorry that happened. You just never know what triggers them at times. I have 3 parrots, but one of my greys will get aggressive at times in the kitchen. She will attack an item, a dish, a plate, a pan, a box of plastic wrap, throw dishes & silverware on the floor over & over, boxes of crackers, cereal or pasta. Many times she is fine, but I have to always be on my guard. I am her 4th home & her forever home. so I don't know here history, ( I have had her for 16 1/2 years) I just stay on guard, I think sometimes the sounds of the dishes, or pasta shaking in a box etc. trigger her. I am super cautious when she is around. If possible, can you keep her out of the kitchen? If not, perhaps perches, toys, things for her to di, distract her may help. MY house looks lie a ginat bird cage with all the stuff I have hanging everywhere. I have also found an empty open paper bag & open empty box keeps her very busy while I am in the kitchen. Best of luck & keep us posted!
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