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About ocguy106

  • Birthday 05/11/1973

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  1. Rohan will let you do just about anything you want as long as he has something to hold on to. I think it gives him the feeling of being perched. I can let him hold a pen in one hand and file his nails on his other hand with a emery board. Once I am done just switch the pen to the other hand and repeat.
  2. if he is concentrating all of the preening to just he chest area I have seen people make little vests for their birds with great success. you can buy fresh socks and cut a whole for the head and a slit down the back so you can place it over his chest and around his wings. you would make like a little sweater for him. while it is on he would be unable to pluck and once all his feather grow back in he may leave them alone. I think sometime left untreated it is like a scab that they just pick at over and over but once healed my leave the area alone. You have nothing to lose by trying it.
  3. I am just curious if you have a cage for your bird? or do you let it free each morning so it can "fly big distances in the company of family and friends"? All four of your points are a false dichotomy in regards to this bird and as a bird owner yourself is hypocritical. Not buying or eating meat from a grocery store is not going to save the cow the has already given his life. Actually buying this bird may very well save it's life. I haven't been to Turkey but I have been to Mexico and I have seen how they treat parrots there. I have seen them in cages with no doors that they put them in when they are babies and as they grow they need to be cut out of the cage. That is if they don't die first. I am sure the bird this lady is looking at isn't being cared for in the best manner and as price is a major factor it could be subjected to sub par conditions and die before being bought. The lessor of two evils is to buy it and love it and treat it well. "Wow that's a weird perspective. So is this person saying that they would be happy locked up in a small room forever without other humans and being fed strange food?" I think the OP is saying exactly the opposite, the conditions you describe is probably how the bird is currently living and the OP is trying to take him out of that and give him a loving home. By your logic I guess if you had a relative that was falsely imprisoned in jail you wouldn't try and save them. they should just stay in jail and be treated poorly as you stand on your soapbox and tell the world how the system failed them. This bird no matter how it came into the hands of this person will have a better life then to stay at the bird store just to prove a point to end trafficking
  4. I guess I am lucky my bird actually likes having his beak done. I give him a pencil for his feet and he will lay on his back. If he holds the pencil in his feet like a perch while laying on his back he is fine. if he drops the pencil he gets scared on no longer likes being upside down. While he is on his back I can file, buff, and clean his beak with no bites at all. He seems to actually like it. I did clip his wings after his first flight about a year ago but since then I am letting them grow back in. he has about 3 flight feathers on both sides but they seem to fall out easily. he has lost 2 on each side so he would have 5 on each side and probably be flying by now. I think a few more months and he will be flying again.
  5. I usually don't solicit but...I have a heat press and embroidery business on the side. I could reproduce that sweater or shirt with "grey" instead of parrot and a actual grey if anybody was actually interested.
  6. was tui from california? Also I think Tui's owner moved back to New Zealand shortly after he went missing.
  7. here is a story in the local paper where I grew up http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2791295/nigel-grey-parrot-impeccable-british-accent-returned-four-years-speaks-spanish.html
  8. Rohan loves the shower. I have a dual shower in my master bath with a seating area. I put him on the bench an aim the water right on him and with will sit there for hours if I let him. I usually leave him in the water for about 10 to 15 mins and then set his preach up outside in the sun so he can preen and dry off. It is CA so it has been in the 80's to 90's lately so I will shower him every couple of days.
  9. Thank you for the offer but that is far drive for me as I am headed to Vegas and going the opposite direction. Ken
  10. Just curious if anyone knows of a good place that would sit a grey for a week in the OC. I have to go out of town next week and am looking for a sitter. Thank you Ken
  11. Well after a month or so of trying Rohan is finally eating pellets. I know there are differing opinions on whether or not they have to be on a pellet diet but for me it is more of just the ability to have one more food option. It seems he actually prefers it over seed now as he will pick out the pellets and eat them when I have them mixed with seed. I am just trying to keep him as healthy as possible. Each morning he gets fresh cut apples, baby carrots, jalapanos, and brussel sprouts. Those seem to be his favorite vegetables at the moment with the jalapanos the forerunner. I don't know why it is so hard to get birds to eat the pellets I would say if the pellet companies were a dog food company they would be out of business as it is very hard to get them to eat it. Anyway it felt like a minor victory. Ken
  12. The first pic he is actually sleeping not preening. Many times I would wake him up just to make sure he was still alive. Lol
  13. His name is Rohan after Rohan Marley son of Bob. I also have a dog named Ziggy. I'm a fan if you couldn't tell
  14. Hey everybody new here so I thought I would post pics of my baby Grey. Got him when he was a few weeks old. At that time I didn't know it was illegal to purchase a un-weaned bird but I actually thought he was older when I went to look at him. It was a great experience caring for him but I definitely don't recommend it to anyone, and if I had to do it again I would have waited just for the safety of the bird. I did a good job and it was rewarding but I can see how things could go south fast I would not have been prepared for that.
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