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  1. ZoesDad

    crazy eyes!

    Yes, our birds can not only see the red/green/blue colours with which we are all familiar, but they can also perceive UV light. Have you ever watched an episode of CSI in which one of the characters flashes a UV light on some portion of a crime scene and it lights up with all sorts of normally imperceptible details? Greys are able to see such details in sunshine! I have often wondered if the scalloped edges of their feathers light up in a similar way when viewed through their remarkable eyes. When I take Zoe out in full sunshine, I vaguely perceive a bluish irridescent tint to her chest feathers which would probably be much more conspicuous to another bird.
  2. Lots of great advice above. Have you tried offering warm, soft foods like boiled sweet potato/yam, roasted squash,boiled egg, boiled broccoli, bits of cooked chicken? Handfeeding the above might also help the two of you bond faster.
  3. Wow! I've read that these little ones are intellectually on par with dolphins and great apes. What a story. Please post some pics when you get the chance and do take your bird's advice while on the job!
  4. Hi Toni, I have a TAG and am very satisfied with her. At one time, I also was unsure as to which species of AG would be best for me. Without a doubt, you will hear and read a lot of different opinions but, if I may, I'd suggest that you just meet different birds until you naturally connect with one and try not to think about it too much! I don't think that there's much of a difference between the two other than appearance. Hope this helps.
  5. Hi dblhelix, Thanks for the link. I've been looking for palm oil and/or nut retailers for a while now!
  6. Hi Estream, that's hilarious!
  7. Thanks Beccy, will do! Talon, just wait till you see her outside for the first time. All your effort will be worth it!
  8. Talon, I hope it works out!
  9. ZoesDad

    baby squealing

    Hi Beccy, I'm not sure what the baby squeeks you refer to sound like but Zoe does sometimes squeek to herself in between quacks and whistles. This typically occurs shortly after I put her back into her cage after a play session. Re. the other behaviour you mentioned, I don't remember how old your Grey baby is but once they pass weaning age (12-15 weeks) it's a good idea to encourage independence in them by providing opportunities for self-directed play and alone time. I find that Zoe can spend hours happily stripping bark off her apple tree twigs, or getting nuts out of her bird puzzle, or tearing apart toilet paper roles. She is now used to being taken out at certain times and doesn't make a peep for attention at any other time. Hope this helps.
  10. Hey all, After reading all the harness accolades , I went out and bought one earlier today! In fact, I just came back in from taking Zoe out into the backyard. She chose to stay perched on my shoulder but, I think, enjoyed the sun. I have to say, it's amazing how incredible she looked in natural daylight! My full spectrum lighting doesn't even come close to the sun. Thanks all for letting me know about this product. Putting it on for the first time was a bit unpleasant for her (she bit my finger twice)but once it was on and adjusted to her size, she just chewed on the metal parts until I took her out. (I let her see and play with it for about 10 minutes before trying to put it on her.) Outside, she went back to making her two note happy whistles (and never once tried to bite me)so I think she may have actually had fun! Her universe just got a lot bigger! What a great product!
  11. I'm sure that would be VERY disappointing, especially if you've been visiting with your Grey baby regulary! I think the only thing that might help, aside from getting your own bird after all, is visiting the new clutch and getting to know the youngster that will, one day, be yours.
  12. OK Afenismom. Try to move the cages together early in the day so that Afeni gets a chance to see the other cage, and Phoenix, for a while before it gets dark. I'm crossing my fingers for you all!!
  13. Hi again Afenismom, Another thought--you purchased Afeni from a pet store, do you know how long she was living there, if she was hand-raised, and if there were other birds near her? If she was not adequately handled by people at the store and spent much of her early life there, she may have learned to associate more with other birds than with humans. This would be all the more reason why you should put both birds in the same room. Does Afeni contact call when separated from Phoenix? Does she prefer to be more with Phoenix or with "her human". Regarding the squabble over perch real estate, I think that's just normal bird behaviour. From your description of their time together, they seem to be turning into real buddies. Could it be that Afeni is upset at, from her perspective, being inexplicably separated from her friend?
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