Hi Everyone,
I picked up a pair of grey banded kings at the herp show in Sacremento a couple of weeks ago. I asked a few questions and fell in love with the pair, so I purchased them.
Got them home and a couple of days later I tried to feed them both some F/T pinks. Neither one took them. Tried a couple of live pinkies, and the female immediately went after it. The male was spooked by his.
I have tried a couple of different methods; scenting with an anole (both a f/t and a live on separate days), F/T with a lizard tail in the mouth, a couple of days ago I also tried to tap a f/t on his head to get an aggressive response.... he just won't eat. While the female showed some agression with I first purchased her (she struck at the lid of her container a couple of times), the male has not shown any agression at all.
I think hes a vegan. :oops:
All joking aside.... He just shed a couple of days ago, so I got excited. I though maybe he might eat now... Introduced a live pinky (since thats all the female will eat atm) and he wont even look at it.
The female weighs 9 grams, the male weighs 7 grams. He's not all skin and bones.... but I don't know what the clutch date was, so I have no idea how old he is, and if he has ever even eaten a meal.
I have read that brumation can trigger a hunger response. These are my first snakes since I was a kid, and I have never put a snake into brumation.
What temperature do I need to get the cage too? How long is long enough for brumation, and does he risk death in brumation since he has never eaten a meal???
Thanks all.