hello everyone,
today my 1 year old grey congo flew off his cage and landed on my floor and in so doing he bent one of his flight feathers that are growing in. it didnt look bad but he gave me the squwak that it hurt and i looked at it, it looked ok and he sat with me for a while then flew off again. this time when he landed that feather was clearly bent in his wing.
Now about 2 months ago this same thing happened and i took him to my vet who showed me how to pull those out and explained to me that greys are "heavy" birds and until they have their flight feathers they are prone to crash. so i flipped him on his back but wouldnt let me get near his wing, so i flipped him back over, let him perch on my hand and he flapped his wing and the feather came out.
i looked at the feather which looked fine, and there was only a slight hint of blood at the very tip of it which i assume is the folicle, not even enough to run. my bird hasnt cried in pain since, and hes flapped his wings several times since then without issue. there has also been no blood to come out of his wing at all. I spread his wing by hand to be certain, and found no blood on his body under where he tucks his wing or running anywhere, so he appears to be perfectly fine to me.
i watched him for about an hour to make sure, but then had to go to work. at no time did i see any blood anywhere, but wanted to check with you all hear to see if this seems normal. all the other websites i check about broken blood feathers say that if bleeding continues, consult a vet, but mine never seemed to bleed at all.
thanks in advance.