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About Shara62

  • Birthday 07/03/1962


  • Biography
    I have three wonderful African Greys, Charlie, Willie Wonka, and a new baby, Betty Boop.


  • Location
    Long Island, NY USA


  • Interests
    Animals, gardening, antiques, vintage jewelry.


  • Occupation

Shara62's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Great pose! That would never happen in my house, no cooperation!
  2. No she wasn't allowed to fledge at all, so if she flaps her wings when she's on my hand she starts to fall backwards. I have to be careful carrying her because if she flaps, she'll fall.
  3. I try to give my other two birds attention before I go near the baby (although it is so tough to do that, a new baby is so exciting!) but I am probably not giving them quite as much time as before. I'll try to pay more attention to that. Thanks!
  4. Katana, I think you might be right. Willie only seems to act that way when I sit in the chair next to baby Betty. I think he is jealous and trying to get my attention. Today I gave him some extra attention and treats. He may be feeling left out although I try to give them all the same amount of attention they had before Betty joined us.
  5. Well, Pearl's name has been changed to Betty Boop! She is decimating her toys and seems to be grooming herself more normally now, Yay! She is still a little nervous out of her cage but is nicely distracted with toy play. She is joining in the morning chorus now with lots of bird calls she learned at the bird store. She seems happy to see me when I come home from work. : )
  6. Oh, this was too funny! It makes me realize that either I'm really lucky or very tolerant! I love my greys' sounds in the morning and at night. I guess either they aren't screamers or I'm really hard of hearing, probably a combination of the two. The baby has a piercing call though, but hopefully she'll copy the rest of the family and not be too loud!
  7. So.... ever since Willie my almost 4 year old CAG has been able to see my new baby (Whose name has become Betty Boop) he has been eyeing her and fluttering his wings at her. She of course as a baby at 6 months has been totally oblivious. Willie has never bonded closely to anyone in our family although he is friendliest to me. He is a very smart and high strung bird. Well the other day I thought that perhaps he was wagging his wings at me. Since my chair is next to the baby cage across the room from him, I though maybe I had misinterpreted his actions. When I walk closer to his cage or to the side of his cage he stops fluttering his wings but follows me. He also seems to want more head scritches. It would be great if he became more friendly or bonded to me. What are your interpretations of his body language?
  8. Thanks, this post gives me hope. My new 5 month baby was already severely clipped when I picked her out. They didn't leave any flight feathers, so when she gets scared a lot of times she just flops off of her perch. Her tail feathers are a mess! She obviously wants to fly but can't. I will try this once she grows flight feathers.
  9. Thanks everyone for your suggestions. It certainly is different having a baby grey. She still doesn't quite have her depth perception right, or maybe its just where those feet of hers actually are! It is tough to stand by and let her learn without jumping up to help and scaring her. We are working on playing with toys together. She still doesn't have full confidence in standing on my hand when moving around so I have to remember to walk extra slow. She wants so much to fly but the pet store really chopped those wing feathers off before she even had a chance to try. : ( I wish they had let her fledge because she cannot glide at all, she just falls clumsily to the floor. It makes me worry. Anyway she is a delight!
  10. Unfortunately, Pearl has finished chewing off the feathers on her breast so she just has white down there now. She seems comfortable and is playing nicely with her toys, food, etc. I hope this is not going to be a permanent problem. She is so young to be a feather chewer. I made sure to spray her chest well this morning (water only). Hopefully once she learns to take a bath she will stop. She is doing well otherwise.
  11. As time goes by, I dislike the snow, more and more! Driving is hazardous here as most people don't know how to drive in the snow, especially if they have an SUV or a truck! I can hardly wait for Spring!
  12. Charlie was my first parrot. He had been dropped off at a pet store so I have no idea of his age or history. It took him a year to want a head rub (only through the cage bars) and he still is afraid of many things but is much better now than he had been. I adopted Willie from a woman whose first grey flew away and returned after she had already purchased another. He was a year old so still young but already acting like a teenager. He is very active and very smart, talks up a storm. Willie taught Charlie how to be a bird, they are friends but not bonded. I think they are fantastic and such great company! I wanted my last? bird to be a baby girl. I think we will name her Pearl but I keep calling her Sweetie. I don't actually know if she is a girl but she is a cutie. My office is closed today so I get to stay with her today. She is watching me post, all relaxed and eyes half closed. What a delight she is already! Thanks for the welcome!
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