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Everything posted by Silentheaven

  1. she loooooves grapes lol. :laugh:
  2. hey everyone! so i just picked up selene yesterday and things seem to be going great. =] shes a 2 1/2 month old congo and ill be posting some pics soon! anyone have some tips n pointers for the next few days? thanks!
  3. Thanks! im lovin it here. already have a cage ready. the baby should be weaned by early june. which gives me a month to read as much as i can. cant wait! ill be taking pics when it all goes through.
  4. Cool, i think i know what i must do now. I also forgot to mention that my grandma is home all day and loves birds so its not like the grey will be alone while i am at work. i know my grandma will love to be in company of it. Also planning on making some tapes and leaving the radio on all day while i am gone to help. Again, thanks everyone for the tips. much appreciated! :side:
  5. Would you say that a Timneh is better in this situation? I heard they do not develope problems as a Congo does. Is this true? And thanks everyone for their input! Its greaty appreciated.
  6. hey hey everyone. I looking to get an african grey congo but my only concern is that i work monday through saturday from 8-5. I seldom leave the house so anytime from about 5:30-12ish would be spent with the grey. would this be sufficient enough to raise it in good health? any other tips would be awesome
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