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  1. Thanks all Looks like ill have to ignore it and keep my fingers crossed.
  2. Hi Tried that, same thing happens, Must admit she makes more noise when im out of the room than if i was in the room.
  3. Hi all Can anyone tell me if there is a way of training a grey not to make a noise it has picked up? Don’t mind the talking or the whistling all the time but she has picked up noise from something (maybe the radio) and it sounds terrible. I tried telling her no but all it done was make her make the noise even more. Now she seams to be doing it most of the time. Thanks Dave
  4. Hi dblhelix. Thanks for your reply. Yes she was a good flyer, never misjudged like that before. Infact she would fly from one room to another with no problem, and always landed as a parrot should. I can see that she wants to fly to me but she stops herself. She is 7 mth old now so hopefully it wont be long for her molt and she will be able to fly again. Thanks again Dave & Charlie
  5. Hi all, Not been on for awhile been on a course so not a lot of free time.{Communicate-000200D4} I had Charlie out as you do and she was having a fly around the room when she misjudged and flew into the mirror.{Feel-bad-00020080} She was a bit dazed but ok apart from she had broke some of her long feathers on her wing. She started to pull the broken ones out as soon as i put her on her cage but I'm not sure that she didnt go to far because now she has none of the long feathers on her wing. She seams ok in herself and has not pulled any feathers out since. Can anyone tell me how long it will take for her feathers to grow back? It took a few times for her to realize that she couldn't fly, so climbs everywhere now, not sure whats better her flying or climbing lol Thanks for reading and any help would be appreciated. Dave & Charlie{Feel-good-000200B9}
  6. Thanks to all for your advice. I can remember reading about the Love birds we have, that two together can not be tamed because they will bond with each other. Thanks again to all advice given Dave & Charlie<br><br>Post edited by: Dave27563, at: 2007/06/11 10:10
  7. Hi all. We have been offered a second grey the same age as Charlie and i am wondering if i can keep two Greys together in the same cage? I know i will need to get a bigger cage so that will help Charlie because they will both have to get used to a new cage instead of Charlie having to give up some of her cage. I also know that it will take a bit of time and a lot of patience. I would love to have the second Grey but not at the expense of Charlie. So please any advice would be appreciated. Regards Dave & Charlie
  8. Hi all. Can anyone tell me how i can get Charlie to stay on her perch? She will do it for my partner when she lets her out, but as soon as she sees me she flies straight to me. When i get her out i put her on her perch on her cage but she flies to me. Even if i can get her to stay there for a while as soon as i go to leave the room she flies straight to me. I don't want to stop her flying to me when i call her but i do want her to be happy to stay on her perch. Any suggestions would be appreciated Dave and Charlie {Feel-good-00020114}
  9. Hi All Charlie and me have been having some quality time together with little or no biting I read that because a lot of birds are moulting at the moment that may be one of the reasons why some birds are biting when they normally don't. Spraying them so they can have a good wash does them the world of good, so i read!! Having just tried it, i think she enjoyed it, buy maybe tomorrow she will enjoy it some more:ohmy: {Emotions-0002011C} I must admit, its nice having Charlie sitting on my hand and not being bitten to pieces. She has started to come to me when i call, which i am really enjoying :cheer: I feel that we have turned a corner and considering its only been 9 days I'm really pleased {Feel-good-00020114} Dave & Charlie
  10. I said no and made her walk a few times then praised her when she was good girl. It seams to work for Charlie and me {Feel-good-00020114}<br><br>Post edited by: Dave27563, at: 2007/04/18 13:23
  11. {Feel-good-00020114} Hi all, Happy days! well almost, on day 5 now, since day two Charlie has been bitting me :blink: :pinch: everytime she comes out. But today on the 4th or 5th time of being out she didnt bite me :cheer: not even a nibble, so im hoping its the start of a pain free relationship. I know she is only testing the groung but must admit, got painfull a few times. When i know she is happy and not bitting we will start the potty training ( least its not painfull. Dave & Charlie<br><br>Post edited by: Dave27563, at: 2007/04/17 22:42
  12. Hi all, Just like to say hi fron Cherlie & me, Ive had Charlie 5 days now and love her to bits. She (I think, going to vets soon) has bonded with me very well, starting to come when called. Steps up and down with no problems, and only seams to bit when i take my eye of her, albeit not to hard i am trying to stop it from happening. Im looking forward to many happy years with Charlie. All the best, Dave & charlie:)
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