yep... I have a old school house that i have my shop in. go to the about us page to see the shop. we have 6400 sq.ft in the whole p-lace and it is work area
is a 24'x32' class room my walk in cooler, or what was going to be my walk in cooler area is now my birds area. 10'x12' that is where the grey's live and the macaws. in separate cages of course. the cocktaiels and parakeets live in a cage my husband and i built. 2'widex6'longx7'high. we have 4 nesting boxes built in the end and it is great... there are 4 doors on it all together and makes cleaning a breeze.
I can handle almost anything but snakes...well maybe spiders goes in the same catagory....ABSOULTY NOT... But my bird list is growing.....
7 cockatiels, 4 parakeets, and the latest addition...2 harqueline macaws.and these guys make my temi look like a baby in the bitting area. :shock:
:wink: I am soooooooo glad to see that i am not the only one who takes the birds to work with them. I have 2 grey's and 7 cockatiels and 4 parakeets. But then again I own my own business