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Everything posted by DWRVT

  1. Hello everyone, I finally adopted my Timneh grey and need a little help with getting her some new things. Was wondering what you might use for sleeping? Example: does your grey use a fleece corner, a flat perch, a tent, just a favourite perch? Also, what diameter perches should I be buying - I understand different types and shapes are ideal but I am looking for a starting point as I don't want to get something that is way too small or way too big for her feet. Thanks and I am looking forward to being a more active member of this forum now that Torri is part of my life
  2. Thank you!!! That all makes so much sense. I have arranged to meet the owner on Saturday. I will see if he is willing to let me visit a few times to see how this grey interacts with him and how he reacts to me. I promise I will trust my instincts and not make an immediate decision.
  3. Ok - this is what I was wondering - if there really would be a huge difference between me getting a baby or an adult. I think I have been around dogs too long - LOL. Thanks to all 3 of you for your honest replies!!
  4. Hi everyone, I am sorry if this is a stupid question but there is this one grey I keep seeing online and thinking about. He is 2 years old and owner says he is very affectionate so far - already saying lots of things Obviously I will try to meet him a few times to get an idea if this true. My question - Is it likely that a 2 year old with this personality is probably going to stay that way or is it quite possible he could change completely with a new owner and/or through puberty?? I am still strongly considering a baby to try to mold to my idea of cuddly but I think somedays that maybe I am thinking of them too much like dogs; that even a 16 week old bird is going to develop it's own personality regardless of how I try to mold it. So maybe I am better to go with an older bird? I don't know - this decision is proving to be difficult for me
  5. LOL - unless 460 gms creates enough draft to knock pictures off my walls - I would be ok with that
  6. That information was very helpful - thank you!! I am glad to hear someone else found the same info as I did and found that there was not a lot of difference in TAGs and CAGs after all. This makes me feel ok with being less concerned about the type and focusing on finding my bird.
  7. WOW Thank you so much for all the time you spent helping me!! I truly appreciate the comparisons from someone who has experience with both. It is so nice to know that I have people who are honestly ready to help and looking forward to hearing about my new fid!!! I am keeping my eyes on the local rescue sites as well as my local online listings to see if there are any greys whose owners would like to meet me - just incase someone who sounds great pops up needing a new home.
  8. Thank-you, I am happy to have found this forum!! I am glad to hear multiple grey owners telling me that I won't be dissapointed with a grey. I am truly looking forward to the deep bond that people say they have with their humans (even if they are not necessarily cuddly). The more I read about them - the more I am sure we will do just fine together. I really don't want to ever have to give up on one of my babies so it was very important to me to research which breed I wanted to spend the rest of my life with
  9. LOL- Well I guess she really did pick you and your wife It is great to hear that she seems to be a well adjusted bird!! Thanks for your input!!
  10. Have you found a home for this bird cage yet?? I am waiting on a baby grey in the next year and this would be wonderful!! I found a huge cage on my local online listings that was only $200 but it has bigger bar spacings then was recommended for a grey
  11. http://www.thingsforwings.ca
  12. Thank you Steve!! I have been in the situation you described. 4 years ago, I unknowingly bought a baby quaker from a bird flipper. After a very long, intensive and expensive 2 weeks together - he lost his battle to Psittacosis I got sick with Psittacosis as well. I realized the mistake I had made and put a lot of effort into getting to know what to look for in a breeder. I happened upon my current quaker quite by chance and she has ignited a love of birds in me that I had no idea existed. I have done a lot of research since then and have come upon a decision on a grey after much research and discussions with grey owners. I really do hope I can be a good parront to a grey!!
  13. Good point!! I have already located a Timneh breeder that I am happy with and who lives within a reasonable driving distance. Guess the ideal situation would be to find a Congo breeder whose clutch will be ready around the same time and go meet all the babies. However I thought if I could narrow down between the two types before-hand; I would have a much easier time picking a baby and wouldn't have to waste anyone's time. I have not yet located a good breeder who breeds both.
  14. Thank-you!! Do you find your TAG a lot different from your CAG in any of the following ways: - being strictly one person birds? - demanding and independant entertainment? - affectionate? - activity level? - mimicking ability? - loudness? - dust?
  15. Hi everyone!! I currently own a quaker and a GCC. No, this will not be my first rodeo with a large parrot. I had a blue front amazon who I lost to a resp illness at an advanced age. I also worked with an avian vet for 7 years. I put a lot of time researching into what bird would be the best fit for us but since this is my final feathered addition - have decided to go with my dream bird I know that every bird will be an individual and may never fit the general characteristics of the species but I am still hoping those general characteristics can give me some guidance when choosing between a Congo or Timneh. I am likely going to be buying a baby so I don't think that the seeing which bird choses me theory will work in this situation.
  16. Hi, my name is Debbie and I am going to be buying an African Grey sometime in the next 12 months. Joined this forum because I am still trying to decide whether I want a Congo or Timneh and searching out good breeders. Looking forward to learning from others experiences!!
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