My Son moved back in from college, maybe that's it. He doesn't really like my boy. No children except grand kids have come over a bit more lately. They are not allowed to go near the bird. The medication, which I forgot the name, but alleviates stress. I've had him 10 months now. He is a very timid bird. Is very sensitive to noise. If there is anything new on the floor in the house and I'm walking by it with him, he tries to fly away, so I can see where the picking comes from. He started getting better and stopped picking, grew back most of his feathers, and then BAM, just started and then found out he had nails I guess! I do appreciate all the help! Everything is a process......Otherwise he is a real good boy, starting to talk, snores like the dog or daddy <ha>...mimics all kinds of sounds, eats well etc...
Thanks again for all of your help, you've been great.