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Everything posted by crazyinstinct

  1. Thank you very much, BaileysPapa That is relieving.
  2. Hey friends, I'm concerned about my 9 months old CAG's beak tip. The tip of her beak seems somehow less thick than the rest of her beak. Kind of like it is unlayered or something. I am sharing some pictures of the same: Anyone has any ideas why this could be? Is this normal due to her young age? Thanks
  3. Thanks for all your assistance and suggestions - I was able to put her back into her cage the next day after the post I held a perch in my hand and, to my surprise, she flew onto that perch from the corner of the living room - making a glamorously perfect flight. I was too happy to see that. I then took the perch to the cage door and she went in voluntarily. Now I think I should wait for her to learn step up before I plan to take her out again.
  4. Thank you everyone for the replies. I have an urgent query and I have posted it in the Training room, kindly assist as much as you can. http://www.greyforums.net/forums/showthread.php?201042-CAG-out-of-cage-since-1-day-Urgent-help-needed Thank you very much!
  5. Hello All, I am a parront to Mahi (8 months old, CAG) who is with me from around 1 month now. To start, I am pretty nervous at this point. Mahi is a wild-caught Grey who is still not very comfortable with being handled (does not yet even step up). She is very active and takes seeds/pellets/veggies from my hand when offered. She does not bite (yet). After reading and trying to understand about African Greys, I concluded that they need a lot of out-of-cage time, and that she was not able to flap her wings with freedom inside her cage - and wished to come out (inferred from body language). I decided to let her out. I opened the top of her cage and put a perch up there, so she instantly climbed up to that perch - she was out. She sat there for an hour or two, and decided to fly as she was startled with something. She does not fly smooth even though her wings are not clipped - she hits the walls when flies, and does not land smoothly, so I try to minimise her flying and avoid going close to her so shes not afraid. She has found her way back to the cage-top on the perch after a few crashes and she has been out of cage for over 22 hours now. She wants to go in (the food is in there) but she is unable to climb down from the top perch to inside of cage and my attempts to assist her do not work. I provide food on that top perch and she seems to be okay, but how do I get her to come in? - She does not step up - She does not know how to climb down from the perch - I have never handled her before as she is still nervous of human touch What can I do? Appreciate any kind of help that I can get. EDIT: Also, somehow it makes me believe that she is plucking feathers since the crashes - could that be related? Out of ideas...
  6. Thanks all for the quick advices - all inputs are very helpful
  7. Hello, I am planning to buy the below toys for my Mahi (6 months old CAG, no out of cage time yet as it is new and cautious of us). http://www.amazon.com/Wesco-Original-Bird-Kabob-Shreddable/dp/B0002FP1W0/ref=pd_bxgy_petsupplies_img_y (is this safe? Would it know not to consume the shredded pieces?) http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Foraging-Systems-6-Inch-Diameter/dp/B001N2TG22/ref=pd_sim_petsupplies_1 http://www.amazon.com/Creative-Foraging-Systems-Sphere-Diameter/dp/B001MWZF7S/ref=pd_bxgy_petsupplies_img_y Please provide your advices - I do not want to give her something unsafe Thanks!
  8. Thanks all I guess I was unnecessarily panicking, sorry for that. Mahi seems to enjoy her new cage by now, she's comfortable now. Thanks again.
  9. Thanks Ill wait to see if she goes, its been a long time not eating anything at all.
  10. Hey guys, I have a question, a doubt rather. I have setup a new cage for my Mahi (CAG), aged 6 months. She is with me since 11 days now, and I got her a new cage (30x26x42). She isn't brought out of cage since I got her as she can fly. My previous cage was small for her so I got this new one and kept it (door facing to door) - and after 2 days she decided to enter the new cage on her own, and now rests there on the top perch (please see cage photo attached). It has been almost 4 hours since she entered her new cage, but she hasn't eaten the seeds (the food holders are at the lower perch). She tried to go to the food holders few times, she goes to the side of the cage from the top perch, but cannot successfully come down (it seems Mahi isn't confident of climbing-down the cage walls). Is it because she is still a baby? Or is it because the cage is new and she needs to get used to it? I tried giving her food from my hand - she doesn't take much. One or 2 seeds when given from between the cage bars - she eats. But I can see that she keeps seeing the bottom food holders every now and then, and thinks "i want to go down". What should I do? Should I wait for her to find her way down on her own? Or should I try to get her back to the old cage to ensure at least she know how to eat and drink? I'm afraid she hasn't eaten anything yet. Any alternate perch arrangements suggested? Please advice.. in dire need.
  11. Not hand-fed before, I'm afraid. She was purchased from a pet store. Thanks for the tip, I'll post questions in their relevant threads.
  12. Thanks for your response. Mahi was not hand-fed before, I got her from a Pet store and she was very afraid since. Now she seems to be settling, but is still afraid to an extent if we go close. So I'm just trying to keep distant and talk to her. She often feels sleepy when I do that - so I thought I was boring her... LOL Good to know about Angel, very sweet name, btw )
  13. Zazu is indeed very loveable and sweet! Love the pics
  14. Thank you MKparrot. Regarding out of cage time, Mahi is still getting used to us as its been around 11 days with us - but I can't wait for the time Mahi will want out Also, as Mahi doesn't step up or even allow us to touch her body, I don't know when would be a good time to give out of cage time. Her wings are intact and it gives me a feeling that I am not yet capable of retrieving her without any trouble to her. I know patience and constant talking and assuring will make her comfortable with time, and I think it will really need enough time. Any advices on this one for me?
  15. I just added the dimensions above. 24" x 30" are the sides height is 42"
  16. Thanks for that info MKparrot, and thanks for the kind words Inara Ill get back with proper sizes and dimensions, sure. One thing that im unsure of is about the height. I had read that Greys shouldnt have falls, especially from heights. Does this cage look insecure in that manner? Does it look like Mahi could have a fall from anywhere? Like the concrete swing at the top, or the top perch... As mines a baby still, at 6 months of age, im more concerned. And im too new too, hence the questions Hope to hear more from all you Grey companions
  17. Thanks a lot guys ) Quick question, is this cage okay for Mahi? I just got this one because the other was too small for him. Is the setup ok? Any faults? Please let me know. http://phtr.co/1c0L62j (cage photo - updated) Edit: Please note the dimensions of the cage if it helps you guys evaluate better (almost accurate). 24" x 30" are the sides height is 42"
  18. Hey, ive managed to take a pic of Mahi to share with you all, will upload clearer ones later from my camera. Mahi means someone you love, it also means "world". I like the sound of the word Thanks a lot to everyone, its good to feel that I have experts to guide me in taking good care of my Mahi
  19. Thanks, he is really too cute and lovely ill try to see if he steps up, he is too eager to come out
  20. Hey thanks a lot for your posts I can tell from his body language that he really wants to come out of the cage - but he is still afraid of random things and even me, and wouldnt let me touch him (he hesitates and retreats). If i take him out, im not sure if he will let me put him back in later. Ill try to get a bigger cage for now so he can play around better inside. Any more suggestions?
  21. Thanks, everyone, for your replies! I will keep updating with my progress with my new companion. I am happy today as Mahi was making chirping and whistle sounds all day today, and he seemed very happy, content and playful. Also, some times (2 times till date) Mahi holds the top of the cage (and he is upside down) and flaps his wings constantly (as if trying to fly) - Is this a known behaviour? Does he want to come out of the cage? I tried to go near him so he stops doing that, but he doesn't stop immediately, after a while he does.
  22. Hiya all! I've just owned a Congo African Grey 7 days back, and I call it Mahi. His age is 6 months. I love him and wish to become a very caring and loving owner of this intelligent bird. I have many questions in my mind and I have been researching on the needs and best practices of keeping Mahi happy and content - and to ensure potent upbringing. When I got him, he was extremely frightened if I even went near the cage, and in 7 days I've managed to get him comfortable to feed from my hand (but inside cage only). His wings are intact so I do not intend to get him out of cage as of now, as he is frightened and won't allow me to touch him (I can touch his beak only). As he's too young (6 months old), I'm afraid of feeding him everything - I only give apple (sometimes) and sunflower seeds. Nothing else yet. I got him checked with a Vet and all is good with him.. Any tips, suggestions or best practices would be highly appreciated - I want to make no mistake in giving this beautiful and lovely bird the best upbringing. Please provide all your expert advices, I'm really keen on knowing everything there is to know Great place, btw - I like how all of us are gathered here, having this beautiful thing in common Cheers, Riten
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