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  1. Hey Guys, I'm back, and it looks like you've been busy since I've been gone! I've had an amazing 8 weeks, and the good news is that Casper's still talking to me - so if anyone's getting stressed about leaving their feathered friends for any length of time, don't - so long as you have someone you can trust to look after them! My other great news is that I passed my exams - Judy, thanks for all the bullying! It paid off! It's great to be back, and I've missed you all - I think it could take me a while to get through all the messages. Julia
  2. Thanks guys. I'm planning on putting a bloggy sort of thing with lots of photos on Facebook - I'll let you know if I manage it!
  3. Hey all, I've just finished my exams - still don't know if I've passed, but I'll let you know when the results are out. Just wanted to let you all know I'm off to South Africa for 8 weeks, and I'll miss you all loads (but probably not nearly as much as I'll miss Casper!). So hope you're all well, and I'll catch up when I get back, Julia xxx
  4. Caspersmum


    Hey Molly, Pellets are certainly the way to go - I buy mine on-line - I get Hagen Tropican, which my grey seems to loke, but if you want the best, go for Harrisons - most people on this site seem to use them, but they're not cheap. BUT seed is heaven to most birds - and it's odd that your parrot isn't eating them. Do you have any electronic scales? If not then you should get some - I bought mine for £9 from TK MAxx. This will allow you to keep an eye on your bird's weight - and you should weigh her at the same time each day - best time is after the first poo of the morning! It would also be a good idea to take her to an avian vet to get her checked out, to make sure there's nothing wring that's stopping her from eating her seeds, Hope this helps, Julia
  5. I'm with these guys. Before I came to medical school I had a ring necked parakeet, was out of the house a lot for work, so got a CAG to keep him company. The pair of them hated each other, so I couldn't have them out of the cage at the same time. I couldn't even let one out while the other was caged if I wasn't in the room - so in the end Cookie, the parakeet, got less attention than when he was alone, I think if you've got more than one person in the house, it's fine, but if it's just you I'd stick to one bird, and just try to enrich it's environment as much as possible. Julia
  6. I do the elbow grease method too - I use a wet disposable cloth to wash down the cage and base, then use a scrubbing brush for any stuck-on bits - it seems to do the trick. I only wet it all thoroughly when I know Casper can be out of his cage so it can dry off before I put it all back together and put paper back in the bottom Julia
  7. I've not got any photos of mine, but my ex-boss has! I've got a sun in the middle of my back, and when he saw it he said 'I knew you were good Julia, but I never knew the sun shone out of your arse'. It's kind of a styalised sun, but as I said don't have any photos, and Casper's not very good with the camera yet! Julia PS - didn't hurt much at all - I had loads more pain getting my tummy button pierced
  8. Hi Heidi, Welcome to the family - and as the others say, if you need anything, just ask! Julia
  9. Casper's habit when he wants food is to stand on his T-bar on one foot, while chewing on the toenails of his other foot, and with his wings slightly extended. He switches from foot to foot, but getting more and more excited. Its really cute. If I don't get something to him fast enough he then wanders over to make sure I'm not ignoring him. He's also developed a clever habit when he's having a drink - he doesn't have a water dish in the lounge, so I regularly give him a drink from a glass. Once he's had enough he gets the rim of the glass in his beak to push it away. Although once he did try to bite me THROUGH the glass when he was in a bit of a grump! As for the cheese - i think its the lactose that they can't digest. And it does pretty nasty things to their poo! Julia
  10. Hey Matt, I'm with the others on this - and I'd add a note of caution - A friend of mine lived in a shared house with a parrot. One of the other girls in the house didn't get on with the bird so poisoned its water while it's owner was away for the weekend. I'm sure it wouldn't come to this, but I wouldn't take the risk if she's prepared to throw things at his cage. She might not care, but I'm sure you'd be devestated if she hurt ponti. Hope I've not scared you, but I think you have to deal with the cousin carefully so that she doesn't do something vindictive, Julia
  11. Hey GM, You must be Sooo excited. I have a handy tip for the poo - which I mentioned on the site before - use an old credit card to scoop it up - it even works getting it off carpet! Good to have you back, Julia
  12. Hi Ceri, I had a ring-necked parakeet that had a really snuffly, blocked nose. I'd definintely get it checked out at the vets, to be on the safe side, but in Cookie's case, he was allergic to the cheap parrot food I was buying for him - apparently it can have mould that makes them develop allergies. On the advice of my vet, I switched him to Harrisons, and it cleared up almost immediately. So what are you feeding Charlie? It COULD be an allergy Julia
  13. Hey beccy, I think it shouldn't be a problem - you can get aloe juice for humans to drink - it's meant to be a really good anti-inflammatory - good for allergies, arthritis, inflamatory bowel disease - all sorts of things - so I suppose it'll be ok for birds, And Monique, thanks for the advice - I've got an aloe plant, so I think I'll use it straight from the plant - I know it's not had any pesticides used in it! Julia
  14. Hey Rae That's wonderful - I think I'd have been blubbering too! Julia
  15. Thanks guys - I knew I could count on you! He'll let me rub a few of them, then gets fed up and bites! Beccy - I'm not sure about the first moult, but I think it tends to be about this time of year for the older birds. Casper's having a shower every day now, and I think it helps. But a few people have mentioned using aloe vera - does anyone have any experience, and if so what do you do with it?! Julia
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