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  1. lol here vocabulary list is as follows: Rat out Ello misses Gis a kiss Twat Oh oh spegeti oh Oi and much more just cant remember them
  2. well been busy and stuff at started a college corse flew by a few time here but never posted but thought we would say hi while i have a spare 20 mins and heres a vid of my baby in action lol <br><br>Post edited by: dareuk, at: 2008/01/23 06:59
  3. my bird has been nameless for as long as iv had her we have both lived with it
  4. i disagree i had had her for some time now and when i wont her to step up i click my fingers and say come here and she dose as for the name thing we have managed greatly with out one so i think i will leave her namless gives her a more intrest when freinds come round and ask her name and i say she dosent have one lol i think i leave her nameless thanks for you input guys and gals
  5. well i still have no name for her lol iv just gave her, her first bamboo shoot and she loves it but still no name she i speaking very well now ill get some vids soon
  6. well i think as he advised the posted as x-rated then it is up to you weather to watch it or not i have bben following ruby for a good few months now and find all the videos to put a smile on my face and he shows lots of love and dedication to ruby my grey says a few curse words that i taught her and find it acceptible and for those that do not i think you may need to come down from your high horse alittle
  7. sorry about the quality but i cant find my usb lead for my proper cam so had to web cam it
  8. yea was only like 45 pounds but was better than nothing was going to spend the money on some new toys but i felt guilty ill get some pics up later to day just got her free stand today she not to impressed at the moment only sits on the food bowls at the moment she will soon get used to it //gary
  9. one step a head mate all ready thinking of it have no got any thing in on paper as of yet tho when/if we sort things out we can discuss this further //gary
  10. well been in the new house for a few months now and every thing is going sweet i take her in to the garden when i work on my bikes and she loves it and one of my neighbors has just got a grey and there related i decided to move her in to the kitchen so i could keep the cage :side: as for her safety when im not there and she roams freely there is no doubt in my mind that she will leave the cage without me near by so im safe there lol sadly i had to sell my rossella due to her being to noisy and the neighbors complained to much so i put her in the pet shop and sold her with all her toys and cage and gave all the money to a local bird charity
  11. ok im going to the gym now so if you like add me to msn or email me on : sionsk887@msn.com //gary
  12. im in the north east of england post code is ts24 8rf i have a grey and am not working during the day at the moment and i would be able to baby sit for you would be a great experience for me and my grey thanks //gary
  13. hey thanks for the replys well been round today to the new crib and there is no way her cage will fit in the room along with my corner suit which is a 11 seater and my tv it ain't gunna happen so im gunna have to sell it for a smaller one yes her cage is always open never locked in ill take some more pics of her cage so u can understand my problem
  14. her cage door is never locked she roams freely the cage i am looking at is relatively smaller than the one she is in now theres a pic of it in my photos
  15. ok well im moving house soon me and my girl friend are moving in together but where i am at the moment is huge but this new plce is smaller and i think i need to down size in cage size also u think my girl will be ok with the new surroundings ect and any one in the north east wont to buy a huge cage from me lol thanks agin //gary
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