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About HeatherStrella

  • Birthday 02/26/1972


  • Location
    Sacramento, CA


  • Interests
    My birdy, music, my birdy, photography, my birdy....


  • Occupation
    Sign Language Interpreter

HeatherStrella's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I don't mind bird poop at all...my husband is another story. Is there any kind of bird ...pet bird, I mean, that has stinky poop. I would imagine birds of prey have stinky poop...but I don't know.
  2. AnnaBella doesn't likr RPO, I was thinking about trying coconut oil...any thoughts?
  3. One time, I was sitting with AnnaBella on the couch. I didn't realize she had pooped on the seat of the couch. When I stood up, I put my hand in the poop ...I'm assuming that's what happened because I didn't realize I had poop on my hand until I brushed my hair out of my face and smeared poop all over my forehead. All I could do was laugh...
  4. I'm curious about the toilet paper roll. What scares me it's the germs that may be on it. Is there a way to clean something like that...or am I worrying for nothing?
  5. Happy Birthday Heather, wow the big 40, thats an awesome age and yet so young, hope you have a wonderful day.

  6. AnnaBella used to be Harrison... the breeder we got her from was positive she was male. We named her Harrison then about a year later, we had a DNA test done... turned out he was a she. I figured we would keep her name... we did for a short time... it just didn't feel right and I got sick of telling the story ... " her name is Harrison" raises a lot of questions. She took to it better than I thought... it's been about 5 years and she'll say her old name every once in a while. But she knows her name is AnnaBella.
  7. Thanks for your responses. I wasn't sure what about the fluorescent lights caused birds to be uncomfortable. My husband is going fix the kitchen lights so they don't flicker. He is bugged by the kitchen lights too, he won't even turn them on. Suggesting I watch ghost hunters a bit too much is a bit too rude, you don't know me.
  8. I'm curious what your thoughts are on fluorescent lights and emf affecting our pet birds. I've heard that emf can cause you to be irritable. We have fluorescent lights in our kitchen and I usually keep the lights off if AnnaBella is in there with me. Well, today, I didn't even think about it. When I was done washing dishes, I picked her up from her perch and took her to the living room. Just before she took off from my hand, she bit me. She used to bite me for no reason quite often. It's been 6-8 months since she's bitten me for no apparent reason. I'm thinking the lights caused her to become agitated. About a year ago, we were in the kitchen with the lights on and when I went to pick her up, she bit me HARD. She flew to the floor and when I tried to pick her up, she went after me. I had to wait a while before I could pick her up. That day, in that moment, she bit me 5 times in the same place on my hand. My husband suggested it might be the lights. I've kept them off ever since and she seemed to get better. She only goes in the kitchen a couple times a week. There are no other fluorescent lights in our house. We are renting otherwise we'd take them out. Has anyone else had any experiences with this? I did a search of the forums and didn't find anything. Thanks...
  9. I look forward to my time with AnnaBella ALL day! I can't wait to come home from work to be with her. Our time varies. I think our favorite is her sitting on my legs...going back and forth from my legs to the leg rest of the couch. She'll climb up to my stomach and chest and sometimes on the back of the couch. We chat, she likes to chew on paper. We play with foot toys. She loves her new cell phone. It's a child toy so I only allow her to play with it with me. Someone else said this too...I always tell her what I'm doing, where I'm going, etc. I think that's why she's got such a big vocabulary. Sometimes we watch birdie videos on the computer. I don't know if she can really understand what she's seeing, but she likes listening anyway. Sometimes we just sit and I give her scritches. Sometimes we just sit...and sit. Ha. I'm always looking for new things to do with her, thanks for creating this thread!
  10. Emma is so cute!! AnnaBella talks like crazy but it seems like as soon as the fideo:pcamera comes on, she stops!! Drives me nuts! Dayo looks like he really likes his music!! :cool:
  11. Some news...this woman's daughter is taking him back to her house on Wednesday. I know she's told her daughter all about our fight. I'm hoping the daughter has seen the light and will take care of him. Unfortunately, I don't know where she lives so I can't call anyone to check on the bird's welfare. I really hope this is good news. She has a new baby, maybe that has caused her to be more sympethetic to little beings needs. Thanks for all the advice, you guys really helped me keep things in perspective.
  12. AnnaBella loves music. Her taste varies from country to disco to rap. I listen to most anything except rap and heavy metal. I have some rap tunes on my iPod that I downloaded for work. She's so funny, when she hears a song she likes, she sings "let's go, let's go"...I don't know what song that's from or where she got that...it's not something I say..or my husband says. She watches cartoons every morning, maybe she got it from them. Anyway, I'm just curious what kind of music your bird(s) like to listen to. Anyone dance on Wii with their birds? I like to dance to the Michael Jackson Experience...she loves it! She likes me to hold her while I'm showing off my fantastic (not) dance moves but it's hard when you're trying to get a good score...LOL. I recently ordered Abba and Grease for Wii...I'm anxious to see how she responds!
  13. Thanks guys. We keep the house pretty cool all year round. At night, she sleeps in a bedroom (uncovered) with a heater that has a thermostat on it. It kicks on if it goes below about 68. We closed the vent to the house heater/AC in that room because, with the door closed and the heater on, it gets hot fast. Same with the A/C, it gets cold fast. Thanks for the comments, I feel better about her "cold toesies". Judy, I thought about a heated perch for the living room cage. I'm paranoid about putting it in her bedroom cage because I'm afraid of fire. Anybody have experience with them?
  14. My sweet little AnnaBella is 6 years old today. She's one of the best gifts I have in life. She got a toy cell phone that sings and talks to her and a new foraging toy. She loves the phone but isn't sure about the foraging toy just yet :-) Here's to many more years together...we'll be old and Grey together ;-)
  15. My husband and I went to a party last night. We're usually not party types...we're not drinkers (anymore) and drunk drivers scare the hell out of us! I love to be home for any occasion. Since I got AnnaBella, I'm more of a home body and I'll take advantage of every minute I can spend with her. When I do go out, I hurry home to AnnaBella...it's become a bit obsessive, I'm afraid...but I don't care. I don't have kids...she's my baby and the reason I wake up every morning. Being home on New Year's Eve is a gift...I love it!
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