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Everything posted by Lamya

  1. Hi all, it's 5 am and I woke up to feed my little one yesterday my doctor said that there's 50/50 chance of him to live or pass away he gave him an antibiotic in the chest, and this thing he said it would help his nerves get stronger so he could maybe start moving his legs, he gave him by mouth he told me it's good that i'm feeding him cerelac but it would be better if i feed him baby parrot food, so i bought one and he actually likes it, he did not poop for a day, still haven't moved but his spirits are high, i hope he makes it till tomorrow, it's good that he is not in pain. let's hope for a miracle. THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH! it means a lot to me, i am relieved because i know my little baby is in the hands of god, and even if he dies, i will never forget our precious moments, even if they were only for a month, it felt like forever.
  2. Hello, i just came back from the vet for my baby's antibiotics, i'll post in the morning to tell you guys what happened, right now he is stable, my hopes are up right now pray for him please . Thank you all for your help i really really appreciate it
  3. Hello again, just got back from my university, i couldn't eat anything or even sleep, i couldn't focus in my classes, this is really crushing my soul to pieces, although he's only been there for a month, i feel like i've had him for years, this is making me really depressed. Both his legs are now paralysed, he doesn't seem to be in pain, he shreds napkins and tries to climb the cage, he doesn't eat but i give him drops of water, and about 10ml of whole wheat baby food. it is 1:30 pm now, my vet said he will be available at 8 pm in the pet clinic, I really hope my little one would make it. Please pray for us.
  4. I just woke up to feed him and found out that his other leg is now paralysed, i'm trying to pull my self together but this is just heart aching .
  5. And no, his foot is totally paralysed and it's not moving nor grasping, i just sensed a little push but i don't know.
  6. My doctor said that Salmonella causes this, i mean his leg being paralysed and that if it's not cured it will spread to his other leg and then his whole body and then die, i've been reading a lot and i'm just trying to stop the diarrhoea by making him drink water that has been boiled with rice ( for carbs ) 2 injections of antibiotics everyday, i'm going to the vet tomorrow evening and i hope all is good </3
  7. P.S is it really harmful if i got it? and do i need to wear gloves and that med mask thing? because i didn't and i handle him like i always do, and i placed his porch really low so he can climb it, because he can't really move with his leg paralysed.
  8. Hello, Thank you so SO much for your reply, I am keeping him in his smaller cage, and I've fed him by the tube a good amount of whole wheat baby food and he loved it, i'll feed him every 6-5 hours because he wouldn't eat and he finds it hard to move with his leg paralysed , i almost sensed him trying to move it but maybe it's just my imagination, i really really hope he would be ok, his bowls were clean but in some occasions i find his stand bowls with poop only on the side of them and they are cleaned immediately, i am so depressed right now. he chirps and whistles and today is his first time attempting to make sounds like my words, he tries to climb and also shred paper, i am grateful he is not in the stage of him being unable to even move. your prayers !!!
  9. Hello everyone, my bird was diagnosed with salmonella, his left leg is now paralysed he was fine yesterday playing and flying around and eating, this morning i woke him up he was all puffed up in the bottom of his cage, I thought he was cold at first so I placed him out on his stand and turned on the heater , his legs were fine! i went to college and came back a couple of hours later to find him pooping white wet material and he was all puffed and didn't even touch his food, this is where i panicked, then i saw his left leg and i almost cried my eyes out I Immediately placed him in his travel cage and went to the avian vet, i went to 5 pet stores, they all were cat and dog vets only, and finally after a while i found a great doctor that have worked for over 50 years, he is the best in Riyadh. he diagnosed him with Salmonella, and he said there's a 50% chance he'd die and another 50% he would survive with the shots given, at that moment i felt like the world has this conspiracy to destroy me, my little baby boy is dying!!!!! he said you have to risk and give him shots but he might also get a shock and die, i agreed because i don't want to let it spread please PLEASE tell me what to do, is it contagious? is he going to be oKAY??? i will be giving him shots at the vet for a week or so until he is fine i need your prayers, i am so stressed out i am trying my best to act strong just for him so please tell me if he is going to make it and what should i do at the moment i am going to mix two spoons of whole wheat baby cerelac in his water bowl, and feed him with a 10ml tube needle is that ok?
  10. Thank you a lot! Yes he eats half and the other half is his new toy lol , I will be preparing meals and freezing them soon, thanks!
  11. Lamya

    Sunflower seed

    Wow ! thank you for the information, i was really surprised when people told me to cut down on the sunflower seeds, but now you're information proves them wrong! and as everyone said, to be moderate when giving sunflower seeds to our birds is the key <3
  12. Thank you! What is your birds plan, I mean from the moment he wakes up till he sleeps, the portions you feed him?
  13. Hello and welcome! congratulations on your new baby, it's going to be a beautiful journey to you both, Don't worry, in a couple of days he will be demanding your scratches and cuddles, patience! , We're waiting for pictures ! Good luck!
  14. Hi everyone I have a bunch of questions about my CAG's food plan I just got him so I am planning on setting a food plan for him, he is 7 months old. the thing is, his previous owner only fed him sunflower seeds, which is not good. As soon as I got him, about a week, I started feeding him some veggie's and fruits, he eats some and throws the other half of it, but it's progressing at the moment. I also bought him a pellet, which consist of several seeds, dried fruit, peanut shells, and a 45% of sunflower seed, and that sounds bad enough, so I am switching to another kind of pellet. If I get a new pellet mix, what kind of seeds can i mix in with it? I've heard i can mix in some canary seeds?, also, How many times should I provide the pellet mix? twice or once a day? or just freely? I really want him to eat more veggies than pellets, but I know that they need seeds and nuts. So if anyone has a similar diet plan, with a little bit of pellets and more veggies and fruits, it would really really help me! Thank you.
  15. Breezy & Timbersmom , Thank you so much, this really helped me, I will be ordering the harrison's and mix it up with some veggies!
  16. Hello everyone I'm planning on ordering some goodies online for my baby Toys and pellets, treats and other stuff This is due to the lack of them in our local pet stores, ( middle east) so i have to order them online :( i've been feeding Shreddy a pellet called Kiki something, the ingredients are good and it's a clean pellet, but I'm not sure about so, also lots of veggies and fruits twice a day, with clean fresh water. I want the best for him, so I heard Zupreem is the best specially the fruit blend I did a little research and a few people said pellets are not a good option for your birds and they all contain animal waste and some husk and seed, flavouring and colourings.. and some said harrison's high potency is the best.. I am lost here! and I am ordering soon, so any advice would be great. Thank you.
  17. Thank you all <3 ! he is the sweetest.
  18. And yay! it didn't even take me a while to get him to step up!, as soon as he got out of his cage for the first time, he walked around, then came running to my hand making baby sounds and feeling my hand with his cute tongue, then he just stepped up like that! after that he just walks around, then comes running and bends his head as in Tickle me, and i would, whenever i stop, he just softly grabs my hand and chirps, so cute! :rolleyes: i'm feeding him new varieties of food everyday, He loves green bell peppers and pomegranate, and he was ok with carrots, cucumber and cauliflower. ( of course with sunflower seed all the time) and the leftovers go to my canary Tweety I'm planning on getting him a good quality pellet, a play cage too, and a perch stand. Haven't bought him toys yet, i'm so excited to buy them this weekend! He NEVER stops playing! and absolutely hates the idea of getting back in the cage, he just wants to be out there running after my hand and trying to eat my phone, and he poops a lot too. Thank you all!! :cool:
  19. Hi ! thank you very much, the room is now warm and perfect for my little one
  20. Hello, i finally got my baby CAG, as for the cats, they are not actually mine, they are only rescues and stray cats, this is why i'm giving them away , I've been taking care of strays and fostering some for a while,get them all chubby and healthy and social, and now that i've decided i'd stop and buy a CAG. He's a 7-8 months old CAG, hand reared. His wings are not clipped, and he still makes the baby sounds! he is so sweet and gentile, i got him two days ago, he plays a lot and i've fed him small amounts of veggies and fruit, and sunflowers ( green peppers, carrots, kiwi and organic strawberries ) I am only able to touch his beak, i also got to scratch his head a little. My concern is the cold, it is really cold in here, about 8 celsius at night and 10 in the morning.. i turned on an electrical heater in the same room, not too close though, and not too hot,is that ok? his previous owner said it's ok, but i needed your advice. i Hope he gets to trust me soon, i am not pressuring him, i just sit close and talk to him, he makes chirping and goes upside down in the cage, climbing and tearing things and shredding. Speaking of shredding, His name is Shredder.. Thank you all! this site helped me a lot, and i am still learning.
  21. My family are very upset of having too much cats in the house, too smelly litterboxes and that's why i thought they deserve better homes than being stacked together, I thought it over and over and I know it's a life commitment, I might keep one cat, my first, she's a siamese, but I don't intend to have as many as 6 cats anymore, it's too much for me and for them, you have a point, I know grey's can out live their owner, and i know they are sensitive little creatures, but i'm ok with that, I'd never give a grey for rehoming because it's a lifetime decision, i thought about it a lot, i'll think about it even more, thank you!!
  22. Hello everyone, I am Lamya, a new member from the middle east, Kingdom of Saudi arabia. I am a cat lady, and probably a cat lady for life! I have been taking care of cats and loving them ever since I was 7 years old, I think of them as my own babies, and sometimes my brothers lol! This is my first year in college, and I feel so free! I have been thinking about it for many years, and i've decided to give my cats better homes. they are 6 cats, and I got to the conclusion that each one of them deserves a loving home, they deserve better and I know it. they are all great and they make me laugh all the time, but I think that there are a lot of people out there that will love them more than I would. I am the type of girl that stays home at weekends, lay on a couch, cuddle with the cats all over me and chat with them, yes I believe in interacting with pets I talk to animals as if they were humans! So I was thinking, what am I going to do all alone when my cats are off to better homes? I've been reading about parrots for more than 4 months now, and I thought: I have so much time for one, I am capable of taking care of one, and I really need a new friend! The reason I thought about getting a parrot, is that I got a canary as a pet a while ago, and I am fascinated at it, i read most about african grey's watched videos, went to libraries and read books about them and even went to visit the pet store more than twice just to hang out with an african grey and study it's behaviour and how to bond, and I finally decided to get one. I've been visiting pet stores ever since, looking at the best type of cages, toys, and etc for my future little buddy, it's eating my mind and now i started having day dreams of having a CAG lol! I have read SO much about them, illnesses, problems, weird behaviours, why and how to deal with them, foods, toxic foods, everything, Everything! I feel so ready to get one, but I'm just scared, i've read a lot about CAG's having so little immunity, and they get sick easily. well here in Saudi arabia it's super hot in summer, SUPER cold in winter! Pray for me and wish me luck! I'm buying my feathery friend soon, if anyone has advice to give me please do so! i am willing to learn more.
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