my grey has been acting a little weird lately...... i'll start by saying i found him about 8 months ago.... we spent 3-4 months getting acquainted... all has been moving well althogh slowly... well, besides his desire for only granola bars.....( thats another question for later) he spent last night hanging upside down.... all night.... he seemed weak this morning... he would not turn rt side up.... I had to put the cage on its side... then he still turned upside down.... again i turned the cage.... ( oh, by the way... i couldnt just reach it to get him out... he was biting... hard.... ) so... i turned the cage again and he finally right'ed himself. (Turning the cage on its side was not e-z as his cage is 5' tall).... I ended up rubbing his head for about 20 mins... this seemed to calm him down and he stopped trying to bite me...( he wont let me carry him yet at all, we are just at the head petting stage) i am very concerned,he wont even take a pc of granola bar.... this is not normal for him, I dont understand this behavior, it seems suicidal... pls help...... thanks!!!,, Rose