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  1. A mess indeed. Gosh @__@ It looks like hell in my room.
  2. Yeah the puking is one of the reasons why I really didn't think he was plucking. And well yesterday he started lowering his wings alot more showing the grey part of his back and making squeeky noises lol. And well sandbag? put away? 500 is alot lol I only get paid about 110 a week lol xP To much for a daycare salary T_T
  3. Ahh thank you, lol I feel better ;D My dad said they probably are both growing new feathers blah but what kid listens to their parents that often? Sad I have comfort in strangers more then my dad lol.
  4. So i'd like to say i'm not scared but I am. I don't know if this is normal or not but my birds been loosing ALOT of feathers lately and it's not because he's plucking because he's not I watch him sit and clean himself and he's just sifting the one's that aren't attached out which is alot and well he's really happy because he's now in my room and started regergatating on me. @_@ Ew, yeah but meh..Is he doing this because it's changing seasons? My cockatoo seems to be doing it too. Is your bird doing this right now too? Normal? meh help! T__T Depending on what advice I get is detirming if i'm going to take him to the vet. I pay for my animals own vet bills so I have to wait until I get a few more pay checks since working at a daycare certainly isn't making me roll in the dough but yeah.. I will get him there if I have to. There the feathers little one from his chest and like the kind around his neck, not the pure tiny white ones, one's that actually have the stem.
  5. Thanks for the suggestions everyone, I will try mushing things together lol sounds fun and easy! And i'll buy some of thoes pellets asap! I made a video today of him refusing foods lol I wanted to post it but apprently the file's to big for youtube =[ So.. there's one of him dancing instead.
  6. My grey is still having "eating disorders" as I call them, he picks out the good parts of his food.. or well the parts that's good for him, the big chunks like what comes in zupreem, so this last trip to the store I got him little conjure parrot food which is pratically all seed and he won't take viatamins either.. Wondering what I should do. He won't eat any fruits besides grapes and I haven't really tried plums yet.. I think i've pretty much tried everything else.. Well not pineapple but he does like the fruit melody that comes in cans. He doesn't really like any veggies.. Like carrots, lettuce, Wow suddenly I can't name veggies.. Cubcumbers, tomatos.. Thoes are what i've tried so far besides peppers and things I don't give him much of dinner foods anymore because I want him to eat the good stuff but I found out my dad's been sneeking him pizza, cheeze its and cheesy bread behind my back -__- and I know if he keeps eating like that he'll never give the good stuff a try. The only snack he get's that he LOVES are un cooked weat noodles.. Suggestions? edited by: Moddy, at: 2007/10/03 11:40
  7. I'm very sorry for your loss of a great friend =[
  8. Moddy


    They are defently put away now =] I didn't even remember it was down there, scared me.. lol but he's fine and still kickin' like you said xDD and stealing my food >_> so he's all good. He's still his lil ol' piggie of a self.
  9. Moddy


    Thanks! I didn't even think about a wet rag ; Good idea. I know since he's drank some and ate like.. the little piggy he is so I will try that and see if anything will come off if it already hasnt.
  10. Moddy


    My african grey was on the bottom of his cage and took the permmy sharpie that was in the fan out and he ended up taking off the cap and licked it. I got it from him right away but i'm scared if it's going to hurt him?! I'm going to see if he'll take some water to get the taste out and give him something to eat.
  11. Yay, my cockatoo will love these too ;o
  12. hveusnthbrige wrote: These two haven't done anything really bad like biting me.. which i'm glad for.. and well they don't seem to hate eachother, there is just a bit of fear coming from my bird. The cockatoo has been around other birds so he doesn't really care as long as he's getting attention and my dad mostly gives him attention. Me and my dad would love to have a macaw too, they are really beautiful but right now with all my animals.. especially during summer.. making sure the bunnies don't over heat changing everyone's water several times a day.. I couldn't handle it. ;oo The place we got the umbrella from had 7.. so beautiful.
  13. Tari wrote: The bird is in good health, and his last checkup is when his old owner had him. The only thing he was out due on was a claw trim.
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