My grey is still having "eating disorders" as I call them, he picks out the good parts of his food.. or well the parts that's good for him, the big chunks like what comes in zupreem, so this last trip to the store I got him little conjure parrot food which is pratically all seed and he won't take viatamins either..
Wondering what I should do.
He won't eat any fruits besides grapes and I haven't really tried plums yet.. I think i've pretty much tried everything else.. Well not pineapple but he does like the fruit melody that comes in cans.
He doesn't really like any veggies.. Like carrots, lettuce, Wow suddenly I can't name veggies.. Cubcumbers, tomatos.. Thoes are what i've tried so far besides peppers and things
I don't give him much of dinner foods anymore because I want him to eat the good stuff but I found out my dad's been sneeking him pizza, cheeze its and cheesy bread behind my back -__- and I know if he keeps eating like that he'll never give the good stuff a try. The only snack he get's that he LOVES are un cooked weat noodles..
edited by: Moddy, at: 2007/10/03 11:40