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  1. judygram it sounds like our birds are very similar. Obi makes this gibberish sound to him self and to me when i talk to him. Its almost like carrying on a conversation but i cannot understand what he is saying.
  2. I would also be very careful putting the bird on an item you sprayed. Its probably a poison that kills the bugs and birds are much more vulnerable to poisons and what not.
  3. I read this book call the "African Grey Parrot Handbook", i found it to be informative with good information. It has been very helpful with my baby grey.
  4. Corn is not a good source of vitamins and minerals so make sure he eats other stuff also. It is a good source of calories though. My bird loves it also, i'm sure he'd be happy only eating corn.
  5. I know what you mean. I went to the bahamas and stayed at the atlantis restort. It was amazing but when you go out of it you notice an instant change. As far as leaving a bird, I feel bad because I am going out for lunch today and not going home to eat and check on him. Im sure he'll be fine though.
  6. Yes i would suggest getting a food scale. It will be great for now and good in the long run to help monitor the birds overall health. It helped put my mind to rest with my baby bird to see that he is starting to gain weight
  7. I know exactly what you are talking about. My bird does the same thing. I think it is that he enjoys the attention and comfort of food and this is more what he is schreeching for. When i first brought him home it was getting bad and extremely annoying. But what most of the people here keep saying actually worked, patience. He has gotten much better about it and now only does the sounds when he his hungry. It helps if you can get his mind off of food by doing step-ups or something.
  8. Pellets are great becasue they are scientifically devolped to be nutritional so your bird will be getting all the nutrition he needs. My vet recomended about 85% fruits, vegi's and pellets and about 15% seeds. Most pellets claim to be all a bird needs but its good to let them expierence all kinds of things. I dont think mine would be happy on only pellets.
  9. My baby was a little bit shaken up after the vet also but he got better when i wrapped him up for a little while, he just loves to be toweled. Well my grey is 13 weeks old now and has been home for about 5 days. He wont take any formula but is still being picky about his eating but he is gaining weight. As far as first go, when i came home from work he was up on a swing in his cage that he hasn't been brave enoufgh to climb to. Also he got his first shower today. I was gonna take him slow and just put him in the room with it running but he was curious about and wanted to get closer so i let him. Then he leaned over to the stream and loved it so i put his perch were he could get under it and he dove right in. And i know there are alot of people here with babies that will be weaning soon. Even though mine wont take formula he was still not getting completly full from being a picky eater. I read in a book that baby food can be very comforting and it was right. I gave him gerber baby food that I heated just a little. Made him feel great.
  10. My Grey is 13 weeks old and has been off the formula for a week. He weights 265ish.
  11. Thanks for the idea Monique, I went to the store and got a scale. Obi weighs 5 grams more than he did at the vet yesterday. Seems he is starting to eat even better. He has also started this constant babble when ever i have him out of the cage. Its like he is trying to tell me something in bird talk.<br><br>Post edited by: jtullos2, at: 2007/05/12 19:51
  12. Could you please give the measurements in palms for those of us stuck in the old English system. j/k
  13. He seems to be eating well. Some times i have to coax him and give him a piece of a vegetable but usually after thats his head goes straight into the bowl. I still worry about him because my conure eats more than he does. He hasn't been hand fed in a week and the vet gave him the ok so I guess I should just let him take it at his own speed. Its funny to watch him eat though. I put some small apple slices and some other fruits along with vegis and pellets. He starts by eating all the corn. then goes to the carrots, then to the apple. You can tell what his favorites are.<br><br>Post edited by: jtullos2, at: 2007/05/12 15:55
  14. Yesterday I got to bring home my baby TAG from the breeder. I took him to the vet today who said his weight and droppings are all fine but he has started doing the baby hand feeding motion were he shakes his head when he touches my hand with his beak. He seems to be eating his vegis great but I am worried about him wanting to be hand fed. Is this because of the stress of moving homes or is it a sign of not being fully weaned. Any suggestions or advice would be great. I may just be overly worrying about him but I would prefer some other's opinions.
  15. I would guess he is not hurt and is just telling you he doesnt trust you enoufgh to touch him here. Perhaps if the vet said it was fine you should give it some time and take it slow.
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