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  1. I found my breeder @ www.birdsnways.com/birds/breeders.htm Pick your state and brouse through all listings. It take a while but thats how I found one 1 hour away from me.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/09/17 22:45
  2. Water and a plastic bristle scrub brush for me. The powder coat paint is almost like a non stick surface. I rinse, scrub, rinse scrub, till it's all off, then paper towel dry.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/06/28 04:12
  3. Here's just a few camera phone photos. Sorry they are a little blurry. It's overcast here so the lighting is poor also. I will try my best to take better photos of Ollie when he comes home. Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/06/23 02:07<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/06/23 02:08
  4. judygram wrote: Yes, Cannon Sels a replacement for $50.00 OUCH! That will have to wait for now. I still have my video camera and my camera phone. Geez, what poor timing to look a quality camera.
  5. I only wish my kids never lost the charger to my 5 megapixle digital camera. I'm going to have to use my phones camera. It's only 1.3 mega pixles but it is not to bad, just a little blurry. My wife always gets on me about putting things on top of the refrigerator, but had I put the charger there, it would still be there! I have basically gutted the house and I can't find it.
  6. Really? a credit card? I will try this! I will take photos of him when he comes home and post them here.
  7. One more day to go, Friday, and I get to bring home My TAG. The time is starting to crawl...
  8. CeasarsDad wrote: Luck-eeeeeeee!
  9. LunaBaby wrote: Now that's a fantastic idea! I'm gona get me a bag of straws!
  10. judygram wrote: Like minds think alike, huh.:lol: Jealousy... absolutly, or plain ignorant about birds altogether.
  11. xxbeccyxx wrote: I've had my share of poop already so there is going to be no surprises in this area of ownership. Thanks for the kind words.
  12. Moddy wrote: You can easily make your own parrot stand. Just go to any home improvement store and buy PVC pipes, and the various angle pieses that allow you to join the ends together. All you need is a saw and PVC glue. Just make sure you glue the pieces out side, and wait a few days for the fumes to disipate before letting your bird use it. Just an idea since you mentiond getting a stand.
  13. judygram wrote: Thanks Judy, I have wanted a grey since I was 11 years old, but something always got in the way; parents, wife, kids, but now that the kids are older (6 & 9) nothing could stop me this time! It's a done deal, the lid is sealed, no if's, ands or buts!
  14. Yeah, it has really taken off. The concept of this website is great for community growth. People can easily meet others.<br><br>Post edited by: TheGreyMiester, at: 2007/06/21 01:36
  15. Hello All, Some of you know me from way back, well not that long ago... I've been away for a while but now I'm back. All along, I have been making my weekly visits with my breeder who only lives an hour away from my home. I have been able to watch Oliver grow from a baby with pinned feathers to almost 6 months old. We were hoping that he would wean around 4 months old but he was just not ready. Well he has been off of formula for 16 days now and this Saturday I go to get him and bring him home. FINALLY! I have never had to wait this long for a pet ever! but it will be worth it. I plan to have pictures, but they will be a little low in quality because my 5 mega pixel camera no longer has a charger, compliments of my kids. Anyway, I will have some photos perhaps Sunday night.
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