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  1. Is full spectrum lighting a special type of lamp or a type of light bulb you can get to just put in any lamp? Also where do you get it and do you direct it onto your bird like you put light over fish or reptiles?
  2. I know I've posted this already but if there's anyone out there with any other suggestions on how to get a harness on your AG please tell me. I'm all ears. thanks
  3. I actually don't kiss her on the mouth. I kiss her on the side off her beak with the side of my cheek and then I make the kissing sound and when she licks me she's licking my cheek and face not my lips.(although she does try to kiss my mouth sometimes)I don't let her because I do know about the saliva bacteria. I would be absolutly devastated if something happened to her. I love her to pieces!!!! Thanks for the ideas on this finger thing I appreciate it cause I just couldn't figure it out especially cause she's not trying to hurt me at all.
  4. Emma(1 1/2yrs) is doing this thing where she holds my finger in her beak sideways and then she does this thing - she jerks her hesd up and down kind of the motion babies being hand fed eat off of a spoon. She does not bite or put any pressure on my finger at all. Usually this follows a head scratch then I scratch her head again. Also she's usually very affectionate at this time - like licking my face doing kisses sounds rubbing her beak against me etc. Any idea what this finger thing means?
  5. Hi everyone, I have another question about my 1 1/2 yr old tag Emma. What stage would she be considered to be in - baby ,toddler child teen?
  6. I am new here - this is my first post. First i'd like to know if anyone has successfully gotten there tag to where a flight suit? If so, how any suggestions. My TAG is a 19 month old female ( Emma) she is a great bird - I've only had her a month and she's talking, mimiking lots of stuff and can do a perfect imitation of my voice, she even tricks the kids into thinking I answered the phone when it rings cause she says "hello exactly like me. They realize it was her after the phone continues to ring. Anyways spring and summer are coming and I'd like to take her outside however am not one of those brave soles who would take there parrot out on just there shoulder. If anything happened to her I would be devastated.
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