Ok, here is the long and the short of it, lol. I am a 21 yr old college student. I am looking at getting my first bird ever, and I have been doing research for the past couple of months or so and have found that Greys are what I am looking for. They're gorgeous, EXTREMELY intelligent, bold, and medium sized. Originally, I was looking at the TAG because of their size and price. After going to the New Orleans bird show this past weekend, I fell in love with the CAG. They are prettier, slightly larger, and seem more proportionate. (but thats neither here nor there. I'm sure I'd be happy with either).
I live in a fairly quiet house with 2 family members, both of whom are older. I am fixated on the idea of getting a parrot, specifically a CAG. I've learned a ton about both species and am sure that this is what I want.
Now, here is where the questions are. Would a CAG be more fitting for that type of household? I learned that each bird is its on specific case, and that CAG's can be just as sociable as TAG's as long as you bring them up in a social environment. Is this true? Do they do well with being in new environments every once in a while to be introduced to new people? Am I biting off more than I can chew with a CAG or Greys in general? I just want to be 100% ready and sure when the time comes for me to actually purchase this new family member, because I realize the commitment involved with Greys.