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About Grumpy

  • Birthday 07/08/1959


  • Location
    Belgrade, Serbia

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Yes, it really helped At least you can try, there's nothing to lose.
  2. My bird started chewing tips of its wing feathers some time ago for no obvious reasons; has got a very spacious cage, lots of toys, other animal friends, is out of the cage for at least 5 hours a day ... So one day, I introduced a cat's feather teaser as a new toy, and chewing is reduced to minimum, instead my bird chews on his toy now
  3. Exactly! But then I am the distressed party .
  4. Ha, ha, You really made me laugh, though fortunately non of my cats is of the caterwauling type, but there are some other as irritating sounds as well .
  5. To keep you informed, at the moment Cockey is on his swing practising some new sounds and possibly trying to use some new words .... But so far, he loves what I hate most, and that is meowing almost at the top of his voice, guess why
  6. Ha, ha, At least there is something "grey" in the post I was also confused reading about the lizard's tail ... but when there was mentioning of a poor pinky, I realised it must have been some snake in question . Good laugh after all .
  7. Thank you all for nice pieces of advice. I was just wondering what was going on with my bird since many other start talking at an earlier age, but am quite satisfied with him. The highlight of the day, actually, is the early morning when he wakes up and is so happy to see me . Then I let him out, and while I'm feeding my other pets, though Cockey is first on the list of priorities, he starts chasing me all over the place just to be as close as possible. Could be bothering at times, but is it not love .
  8. I am not quite sure what you mean by "the time limited in Serbia" ... if you think of the climate and sunny days here, it's the same as almost everywhere else, climatic changes in progress, with lots of extremely hot days during the summer, even this February was no exception, so we had 23 degrees Celsius only a couple of days ago ... and my bird's cage is facing the window, just a few inches apart, so I'll soon have to pull down the shutters.
  9. Yeah, I know there is plenty of time, but on the bird side
  10. Besides his playground with three different size and shape swings, my bird favours the living room door frame, but he never chews it, though tried at first ... however, that's rather a solid wood and I added a toy on top of it as a sort of distraction, so Cockey is happily sitting atop the door gnawing his feathery toy. At the same time that simple toy, a cat teaser, helped him to get rid of the bad habit of chewing tips of his own wing feathers . PS. The door is at the back of the avatar pic, the right hand corner, so it's also a good flying route all the way from his stand where he is chewing the wind catcher
  11. In case he is not going to acquire any more new words, Cockey is still my feathery friend, difficult to deal with at times, as all greys are, but chaming and irrestible as well. I know that he has bonded with me so much and wants my presence all the time, and only his morning "chase", when he's out of the cage looking for me and flying over to another room where I am, just to perch on my shoulder, WOULD DO .
  12. My CAG, Cockey, has been with me since November last year. When I got him, he was round a year old then. The bird is completely tame, cuddly, fully flighted, and well adjusted to its surroundings, has lots of other animal companions ... three cats, two dogs ... is out of its spacious cage most of the day ... but ... as far as his talking abilities are in question, he uses his name quite often, does some whistles trying to sing ex Yu national anthem, tries to mimic cats' sounds and nothing more except for some unpleasant sounds asking for attention Even when pronouncing his name, it's not quite clear and is not in my voice. Is he a lousy talker, or there is still a possibility he' may catch some other words/phrases, or sounds? Ps. Before Cockey, I had two hand fed cockatiels who, already as babies, were singing the anthem ...
  13. "One day she will be ready for human hands and when she can be relaxed, I can find time to post a photo". The time certainly will come, and then we'll enjoy watching your pictures
  14. I was pestering my bird so much, that he almost bit me, twice
  15. A jolly happy bird he is! Here's my Cockey at the porch of his dog carrier, non the less happy by the space he's been offered Besides having a roomy cage, most of the time he's out, doing antics on his playground
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