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Everything posted by Tricker66
Hi all. I wonder if anyone know if coffe is bad for a grey? The reasonI ask is coz my TAG Kiwi is totally nuts for coffe! As you all know, greys mostly put their beak down in the water/juice etc. Then lift her head and drink ehat they got. But when Kiwi gets some coffe I LITTERARLY have to lift her away!!! She use to snarl at me to coz she is detemin to have more! She ones landed on my left hand while I read a mail. I didnt notice she started to drink she she got " a little" to much I guess and by god!!! She was so wild that night! LOL Well enough. Question: Is coffe bad for a grey? Jimmy
Hi Percysmum Welcome to the forum. You will find loads of great and nice people here, as information. Jimmy
Hi all. I wonder if anyone know if coffe is bad for a grey? The reason I ask is coz my TAG Kiwi is totally nuts for coffe! As you all know greys mostly put their beak down in the water/juice etc. then lift her head and drink what they got. But when Kiwi gets some coffe I LITTERARLY have to lift her away, of the cup coz she dips her beak, keeps it down and starts to sip away!!! She use to Snarl at me to coz she is determind to have more! She ones landed on my left hand while I read a mail. I dint notise she started to drink so she got "a little" to much I guess and by god!!!! She was so wild that night! LOL Well enough. Question: Is coffe bad for greys? Jimmy
Hi Pigeon Im new as well. I have a 16 weeks TAG. She often sits and "talk" making fun noices. Its so nice that I use to go over to her. She also often shuts up when I starts to talk to her..BUT I do think its a way for her to listen to me and my voice. May it be the same for you? But then you had him sins he was a baby... I guess its hard to say, be patience sins you had him for 10 years! Is it the same with your wife and kids? Is he the same sex as you? LOL They seems to turn to the opposite sex I heard! Well I wish you god luck and dont give up! Try to come up with new aproaches! Im sure we all here on the forum is willing to help you! Jimmy
Yes my 16 weeks old cag likes to play fight. Sins she is so young and often get really excited she sometimes bites hard but I try to teach her not to. She more or less suddenly gets crazy! LOL She use to sit on my shoulder and then climb down on my cheast and hang upside down and making this fun noices and swining back and forth. Its like she is waitning for me to hold her in my hand as she lays on her back. She seems to like that. We then play aroundfor a while. Its great fun... that sometimes hurt a bit. Jimmy
Hi again all!!! I have 2 questions I wonde if anyone can answer? 1. My TAG is now 16 months old. I notised when I got her how warm her feetand beak was. A few days ago I notised how her feet and beak seems to go from varm to cold in just a few minutes. Is tis normal? Its not that she is varm after flyng around or cold coz sitting still. Sometimes she is VERY active and then suddenly she like withdraw and sit quiet and still, ofetn with one foot up and with "Fluffy" feathers. (sorry dont know the correct expresion in englidsh) But still she seems truly ok and are getting more and more confident by the day! 2. I read that a TAG/CAG normally starts to talk between 1 and 2 years. Is it the same when it comes to imitate whissles? Even tho her "Sounds" isnt right I can hear and are 100% sure she tries to imitate my wissles already coz the rythm or melody is correct. Is this early or what? Jimmy
Thanks for the info. I heard both good and bad things about this guy. Anyone else heard if he is good or bad?
Hi and thankls for your reply Do you got a link to that webpage???
I wonder if anyone can give me some tip about any good DVD how to train parrots? Should I get a clicker? What treat to give when she been good? Anything else I may need?
Hi Rachel and welcome to this forum. Here you find alot of nice and helpfull people, both new owners to TAG/CAG and experienced "parents"! I just got Kiwi, a female TAG, home this past friday and were having a blast together. I wish´you all the best with you Alfie. Kind regards, Jimmy
I recently got my TAG home. i nemad her Kiwi. I cover my cage every night so that any light from oputside can reach her. She seems happy with that but there will still be some light, enough for her to move around if she shoose to. Im new to this thing woth parrot but in my oppinion, NEVER ever use the cage as a punichment as in put him/her in the cgae and cover it becaouse he/hse is noicy. I honsetly think it would be better to put the bird in a room/place where there is dark for a few minutes instead of the cage. Afterall we want them to enjoy and like thier cage to when were not home foe ex. Well as I said Im new to this so I may be wrong but its my oppinion at them monent! Jimmy
Thank you all for your relpy's I will definitly read the article. I tried vobbling my hand a bit but it takes quite much to make her stop. He biting isnt that bad tho. Somtimes but not to often. It more like she is learning, she is a baby after all. And if I say no real hard she stops and look at me like "hwtas the matter with you?" LOL YES I did alot of reseach before I got one. Thought about it for years and talke with breeders and owners as said before. and Im defenitly a proud father! She is absolutely gorgeous! I will post some pics later. She does these so cute sounds evertime I come to pic her up. adorable. Thatnks for all the advicees. I will pay close attention about her body language. I only had her for two day soyour rith about it will take some time. Please keep writing and if you like add me to MSN so we can chat live. Hopefully we will get a live chat here on the forums to eventually.. Jimmy
Hi Hawaiisheila You can searh for names on the net. I found a page with loads of names. Check this page out. I just named my bird so I have a few "Spare" ones lol Moksy or Moxy Spicy Cookie Harley Kippy Puddles Ping Peeps Meeps Max.. Teach him to say, My name is Max... Mad Max? LOL But you find loads of them on the page I gave you. Good luck Jimmy
Hi all! Im sitting here with my TAG "Kiwi" i picked up yesterday. She is 14 weeks old and so cute. She truly is a "Female" arrot coz she absolutely LOVE my gold necklace! LOL341 Ehh the 341 wanst me who typed! LOL She seems very computercompatible... yesterday night she picked of the keys faster than I could put them back! LOL She likes to bite a bit, harder and harder unfortunaly. ccgtreer3reeeeeeeeeeeeedfrt5445r4ttttt... ok i got some help typing again as you can seexd bfvfccygik. lmaoAny advice how to teach her not to bite? Well its hard to type right now so I end this mess here. Jimmy
Hi I was searching the net for toys and ideas when I found this webpage. I hope it can help you all! Jimmy
Hi I found this webpage about making your own toys for parrots. Hope it will help!? Jimmy
Sounds GREAT Catnaxis. Was it hard to get her use to the harness? how did you do? I would love to know sins I have the same idea myself. Jimmy
Im happy to hear she brings joy to you and your wife. But you just wait LOL I bet she will bring you some "Fun" troubles to. LOL Im looking forward to them myself. So did you make your shoise when it comes to the cage? Im curious sin I myself mounted mine this weekend. Keep in touch Imgreytoo Jimmy
Hi Congratulations on your CAG. Im sure and hope it will bring great joy to your wife and you! I myself is soon the owner of a TAG so I dont have any real experences but in my oppinion a cage can never be to big. I also agree that a cage with a flat top or a playground is a better shoise. the ones with play gronds also have...(whats it called in english?) a tray/drawer so the bird doesnt do its toilett need on its toys or food. Another oppinion of mine is that sins a Grey need a big cage, it will become a furnoture in your room and there fore, atleast I want a good looking cage. but Im sure you make a good desicion! Good luck with your CAG! Jimmy
Hi guys. I have a feelig I once read somewhere that a grey cant say some "sounds". Am I correct? I think it was "P" and something else but I dont remeber. I would like to know it sins i think it matter when Im gonna shoose a name fomr my timneh! Jimmy
Hin GreyMiester Congratulation to your decision! I read alot and asked bot wners and breeders about your question when I had the smae thoughts. It must be around 25-30 persons I talked to and all besides 4 said its no problem but one important thing that almost everyone said ws that you need to make sure he/she got something to do when you dont have time for the bird. Nut I bet he/she will sit on your shoulder and hangout with you just as you quaker. If your lucky you might even get a hole in your ear for a earring! Tomorrow I will to go down to a breeder and pay the downpaynemt for a tag. Its a handfeeded girl and I will pick her up at the end of April. The cage I will get tomorrow so evrything will be done in time! I would love to hear more from you and you TAG sins were both new to them! Lets change experiences!!! Jimmy
Hi guys! I want to thank you all for all your help! This day have been awesome for me! I got notice I can get a Timneh jako at the end of April plus I could buy a really nice cage (BIG ONE!!!)Brand new! Its normally priced at $1000 for $640!!! Guess if Im excited! LOL Well... I guess the shoise between Grey and Amazon is made... FINALLY! Once again, thank you all! Jimmy
Hi Micah I like both your ideas. Sins you worried about your birds future how about put it out to highest bidder but with the right to decide who gonna have her. I mean if you dont like the new owner for some reason you can shoose someone else. Then you can shoose to give it for free to the "highest bidder" and the person you think will provide for the best home. maybe to much hassle all this but but... LOL
Hi Thanks alot for your replys. I truly apreciate them. Its a diffucult choise I have to make! haha but a pleasant one. I was talking to a person who is said to know alot of these birds and this person said my working times are a problem sins a bird needs atleast 10 hours uninterupted sleep a day. When I think about this I must say that I dont really buy it. The reason is that these birds does have enemies in wild life, predators that hunt them. So will a wild bird ever get 10 hours a sleep? I dont think so. What do you guys say? When it comes to amazon's, there are many differetn and I wonder if you guys can give me a short introdution to some of them. Do the "personality" differs much? Im most interestead n the double yellow head tho sins I find it so beutiful. Once again I thank you for you help. Jimmy
Hi I been thinking to get a grey or a amazon for several years. I been reading and talking to alot of people. But I would like to have you guys oppinion. Im singel and live alone. I work from 6.00am to 14.20pm. Besides that Im home all days. Will a grey manage by itself while Im at work if I provide it with toys and radio for ex??? The reason I ask is coz I dont want the bird just for ny "entertainment". I want it to be happy and have a healthy life. Im sure you get my point! The people I talked to so far both say yes and no. Most acctually said yes but I must admit Im a bit sceptic still so therefore I want more peoples oppinions. Hope to hear from all of you soon! Kind regrads, Jimmy