We are the new parents of a 10 week old. I know that certain types of tree/bark are good for him. As I live in Spain, does anybody know if he can have orange/lemon/almond/olive branches. Can it be fresh or should it dry first? Any help would be appreciated.
Hi. No, we brought him to Spain after mum died. I put him on balcony but had forgot to shut door. He was looking for me. Sat in a tree all day, as I read earlier in this forum, he tried to fly down to me but swooped and went up again. Next day he had gone. I couldn't go through that again. Broke my heart
Hi. We just picked up our 8 week old yesterday. We are still syringe feeding him. We have had his wings clipped already. I guess my idea is, what you've never had, you never miss. I lost a budgie 3 years ago. It was my mum's bird and talked with her voice (she died). I'll never get over losing him to the wind. Couldn't bear the same to happen again.