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About Buscher

  • Birthday 11/28/1970


  • Location
    North central Iowa

Buscher's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. This may sound like a stupid question but here it is. We have a 2year old TAG that we just got about 2 weeks ago from her previous owner that couldn't care for her anymore. She appeared to have her chest feathers plucked thin. She seems to be very happy, we are getting along great and the vet says she is healthy. I have not seen her doing more than normal pruning, So I don't think she is still plucking. My question is how long tell her feathers come back in?
  2. Well we have had our first African Grey now for a week. Sophie is aprox 2 years old and she is very entertaining. The previous owner said health problems made them part with her. They warned me that she had turned mean due to lack of attention. When we got there to check her out he put on a elbow length leather glove and started trying to grab her out of the cage.(I wonder why she is mean to him). I finally told him to leave her in the cage I will take her. We got her home and set her cage up in our living room and sat down to watch her for a while. With in a half hour she had climbed out and went to the top of her cage so I left her there a while then went up close and started talking to her, within minutes she is coming closer so I put my hand out and she jumped right on and we got along great ever since. I still haven't figured out why they thought she was so mean. She will now go right up to everyone in our house, and she will even let me hold her on her back and rub her belly. Her only downfall I have found is she waits tell our kids go to bed then she starts rambling on the 10 or so word she knows gives out 2 or 3 little shreeks then settles down for the night. I have been reading on this forum for the last week just getting info so I thought I would join up and give you all a little background on our new addition at home. Once again thanks for all the good info in your posts it is very helpful for us being new to the TAG breed.
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