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About Rah

  • Birthday 09/08/1996

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  1. So even if they are in separate cages it would not do anything for my bird that i already have? Also we have only had him for three years and in the beginning he had no problem with me or my grandpa who he now only goes with? He's bitten me a few times but thats it and now he does put his head down when he wants to be pet but as soon as i touch him he goes to bite any ideas as to what happened?
  2. I have a 20 year old grey who only goes with one person in the family and he is aggressive towards everyone else and screams a lot. So i was thinking would getting a baby bird help my other bird go with other people rather than just one person? Becuase he would see everyone else playing and talking with the other bird and he will realize that we are not a threat to him so he will be friendly? Also if this can work can i put them in the same cage, becuase the guy at my local bird shop said that the 20 year old will kill the new bird!? But i seen videos of people talking about how having more than one bird is good and that they can be more friendly that way?:confused:
  3. He does put his head down to let me pet him sometimes but as soon as i touch him he bites, we clip his nails and wings every few months. He was always a pet the previous owners bought him at a local bird shop. Thanks for the help with the books ill look into them.
  4. Yeah he's not alone in room theres always someone in that room he has toys but rarely plays with them and i talk to him and he repeats things and whistles back but then after a while will start screaming and everyone else does talk to him just not as much as me and my grandpa do. And no one else tries to pet him anymore except me becuase he's bitten everyone at least once and their all scared. So is this all i can do just not give him a treat and cover him to get him to stop and talk to him more?
  5. Oh and every time he screams for a while we either give him a treat that gets him to stop or just cover his cage with a blanket for awhile becuase we don't know any other way to get him to stop. He will scream if a lot of people talk or if my grandpa leaves the room. I would appreciate any suggestions thanks.
  6. His name in Ronu and we have about 7 people in our house, we let him out of the cage for a few hours a day becuase every time he sees my grandpa he comes on the floor and wont go back up with anyone else besides my grandpa. He is in a room with a tv and its on most of the time, before he used to whistle and talk a lot now it is just screaming with occasional talking and whistling. Like i said with everyone else he is aggresive and bites, only one person in the family can interact with him.
  7. I got an african grey about 3 years ago from a friend of my grandpas and he was 17 at the time. But the only person in the house he likes and doesn't bite is my grandpa and he screams alot so does anyone have any ideas of how to fix this?
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