Im Marc and I have a congo called pepper who is about 17 years old.
I have had him/her for about 12 years. My main reason for joining is to learn more about their temprement. One day he can be the cuddliest thing, I can stroke under the wings, hold the beak and cuddle him and the next day he wont even step up onto me without trying to bite.
He has a play stand in the living room which he loves, and a cage upstairs in which he sleeps and spends his day in whilst im at work. have a humidifier running next to the cage throughout the day and night, give plenty of toys and forraging tools, daily diet of fresh fruit, veg, nuts and high quality pellets... even has its own dvd player and collection of cartoons....
id just like a bit of consistency, but im unsure where to go from here.
Thanks for any help in advance!..
First day he stepped onto his perch... it has toys and willow sticks attached to it now