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About zitty

  • Birthday 06/19/1986

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  1. The more I read into cockatoos. The less I think they would suit. I require cuddly and compatible with a grey... what would you suggest?
  2. Also. Toilet trainning... not going as well as pic would suggest.
  3. Never would leave the dog and bird alone. But we did come home one day to find he had escaped and spent the whole day wondering around with the dog.... both worrying and a little reassuring. I understand what you are saying regarding the cockatoo and perhaps they are more suited to being a in a single bird family. I just know that at the moment it isnt getting any attention at all where as i get my bird out of his cage before i get into the shower and get him back out before taking my shoes off when im home... I have a perfect scenario of pepper on his perch (9/10 he prefers that to sitting on me) a cockatoo on my lap and the dog on my ladys. As said though, im still undecided.
  4. Never would leave the dog and bird alone. But we did come home one day to find he had escaped and spent the whole day wondering around with the dog.... both worrying and a little reassuring. I understand what you are saying regarding the cockatoo and perhaps they are more suited to being a in a single bird family. I just know that at the moment it isnt getting any attention at all where as i get my bird out of his cage before i get into the shower and get him back out before taking my shoes off when im home... I have a perfect scenario of pepper on his perch (9/10 he prefers that to sitting on me) a cockatoo on my lap and the dog on my ladys. I would hope they would get along enough to make a positive change in both their daily alone time whilst people work. This I understand is completly pot luck though right? Pepper does get jealous when I play with the dog, but rather than want the attention himself he just becomes more bity... I swear he just wants me to sit infront of him to do his bidding... As said though, im still undecided.
  5. May as well turn my intro page into a mini blog Reading the forum suggested having the cage in a corner to give the bird a feeling of security. Peppers cage is a corner piece, but he was residing in the upstairs dressing room infront of the window in the middle of the room. He seemed to like looking outside and that was pretty much the main reason for him being there. I have now moved him into the office and rearranged my furniture to give him some space. He doesnt appear to be at all fazed by the move, suggesting to me he prefers to have a corner over being in the other room. This room is also alot smaller and alot easier to get humidity up. Plus his sleeping now has a proper regular pattern. Before I would put him away at 9pm but always disturb him at 6am when I would get ready for work as we shared that room. Now all my girlfriend needs to do before work is open his curtains around 7.30-8am and turn his cartoons on, finally a way of getting at least 10 hours sleep time for him. And ive started to take more time off and go in later on some mornings so 5 days of the week he gets up to 14 hours sleep Not sure wether to get rid of that plant or wether he will have fun tearing it apart though.... Getting tempted at a second bird at this point, something a bit more easy going and cuddly... a friend wants to rehome his cockatoo, I think I could give it a better place to be, and I see they love a good cuddle. I just worry if Pepper will get jealous even if he wont let me cuddle him himself? Oh and here is a pic of my dog Simba, dog ownership feels like a breeze compared to parrots! He is very tolerant of Pepper and has never been anything other than cautious around him
  6. He despises baths... it doesnt seem to matter how I approach it stresses him right out. so ive tried to add humidity with the humidifier and he comes and sits on top of the shower every morning, is this enough? ive started putting him to bed religiously at 9. Its still too early to notice a difference though
  7. Thanks for the warm welcome Its nice to know its quite normal for them to behave like this, I see pics and videos of other parrots getting close to their owners, assume theyre like it all the time and wonder if it something im doing wrong! I read they need alot of sleep, but this is something im struggling with. Im up most morning s about 6:30 for work and our dressing room is also Peppers bedroom. The main reason for him being in there is he likes to look out of the window to see what goes on outside (thinking extra stimulate for when im not there) and it gives me a good opportunity to interact with him before I leave for work (he usually sits on top of the shower when im washing (he likes the humidity there). but if I was to put him to bed to aim for 10 hours sleep It would need to be around 8 o clock. Which leaves only a few hours each night with me. an alternative ive been thinking of is moving him into the office (no body goes there in the mornings) and setting up a uv lamp and humidifier on a timer so it goes off at about noon? He would get about 12-14 hours sleep and have less time to stand around being bored .
  8. Hi, Im Marc and I have a congo called pepper who is about 17 years old. I have had him/her for about 12 years. My main reason for joining is to learn more about their temprement. One day he can be the cuddliest thing, I can stroke under the wings, hold the beak and cuddle him and the next day he wont even step up onto me without trying to bite. He has a play stand in the living room which he loves, and a cage upstairs in which he sleeps and spends his day in whilst im at work. have a humidifier running next to the cage throughout the day and night, give plenty of toys and forraging tools, daily diet of fresh fruit, veg, nuts and high quality pellets... even has its own dvd player and collection of cartoons.... id just like a bit of consistency, but im unsure where to go from here. Thanks for any help in advance!.. First day he stepped onto his perch... it has toys and willow sticks attached to it now
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