My partner and I purchased a 10 yr old African grey parrot named Buffet from a newspaper ad two weeks ago. The previous owner told us that she had an extensive vocabulary and even sang nursery rhymes. She never uttered a word until a few days ago when in the waiting rm at the vet's office, an elderly woman came near the cage and remarked at how pretty Buffet was. Buffet then exclaimed, "You b?#ch!" We were shocked, as was the woman. We didn't know if the woman reminded Buffet of someone. To make matters worse, since that day- she has started speaking in our home, unfortunately the most frequent word she says is the "F" word and some other things that mainly sound like muttering. No signs of nursery rhymes anywhere. We never use vulgarity in our home and have young children. Have we been duped as we paid a large sum of money for this parrot? We are trying to remain calm around her and speak in soft tones in the hopes that she will start repeating "nice things." Will the nasty language end if she learned it quite some time ago? Any suggestions/ advice appreciated.