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Vanessa Dodoi

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About Vanessa Dodoi

  • Birthday 03/30/1992


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Vanessa Dodoi's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. Congratulation , mine is still a baby and I cant wait to hear him talking
  2. Ohh cool thank you guys , it helps so i dont think its time to stop feeding him as he doesnt accept others food , i always try giving him other birds food and fruits so he is still not ready for that but my boyfriend thinks its too long to feed him i have no experience with parrots yet ,so i had to ask , i had birds before but never a parrot ,have to say im loving it Its good to know that he is in time still
  3. Hi there

    My parrot is about 15 weeks old he is having troble to learn to eat by himself

    he really wants me to feed him always ,he doesn't even try to eat by himself

    so my boyfriend says Dodoi is lasy couse his macaw as so easy to learn .

    want to know if it happened to you also if is that normal to parrots take that long to eat ?

  4. Hi Im Vanessa and im having a hard time with my little grey , He is about 15 weeks old and im trying to stop feeding him but its not so easy , he really doesnt want to eat his food by himself , he doesnt even try My boyfriend has a macaw he said my bird is lasy couse with his birds was so easy Is it always hard for the greys to learn to eat or am I just having a bad luck ? is there something that i could do to teach him ? or probably it is still not time , so tell me what you think please
  5. Gosh , good to know my parrot is not crazy or at east is not the only one who hates sllippers hehehehe Dodoi always attacks my slippers and like yours, He only attacks slippers
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