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  1. Some photos of Taipa outside with my children She is such a wonderful lil gurl I am so proud of her http://groups.msn.com/Taipa/taipa.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=56 http://groups.msn.com/Taipa/taipa.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=57
  2. Yes it does come with a DVD whenever you buy it and I followed the DVD on how to get Taipa use to the idea and harness (I just started teaching her with my hands I would make a circle with my 2 thumbs touching each other and index fingers touching each other slipping my circle over her head and lifting her wings one at a time for a count of 3.I also would push her off balance just enough so she didn't step away for the count of 3.I did these things a few times a day for the past week. I also set the harness on top of her cage so she could see it,when she was out I would hang it on a perch she was at always in her sight and sometimes I would let her play with it so she was going to it on her own,not it was going to her. the first time I tried to get it on her well that was a NO go that was 3 days ago I assume she changed her mind hehehe.) The thing that blows me away is the fact that she is only 13 weeks old and I have had her 2 weeks today. I think she has a very easy going personality
  3. We had the best time.We got Taipa into her Aviator Harness took her out side and woooooohoooooo she went for a fly out in the sunshine Feeling free as a bird.I just wish I had gotten photos of it:( But there is always next time <br><br>Post edited by: Catnaxis, at: 2007/03/31 15:09
  4. No I have no scares on my hands.She doesn't bite :)and yes I know at somepoint she will,she is a parrot:P. We clipped her wings for now until she gets to know us better I am going to let them grow back in so she can fly.Let me retype that even though her wings are clipped she flew from the perch to me 2day
  5. http://groups.msn.com/AFRICANGREYSCONGOANDTIMNEHS/taipa.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=919'>http://groups.msn.com/AFRICANGREYSCONGOANDTIMNEHS/taipa.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=919 http://groups.msn.com/AFRICANGREYSCONGOANDTIMNEHS/taipa.msnw?action=ShowPhoto&PhotoID=919 here are some photos of her
  6. Well I just wanted to let everyone know that we picked Taipa up at the breeders on Monday afternoon and everything is going great with her.She lets everyone handle her. Yesterday morning I weighed her before she had anything to eat and she was 451 grams, I weighed her again this morning at the same time before she ate anything and she weighed 462 grams. The only thing that has me puzzled is she wont eat out of her food dishes maybe they are to large for her or she might not like the fact that they are clear who knows.So when its time to eat I just put her on a towel on the table and let her eat that way,she will eat out of her dish this way. She must really like me because every I open the cage door for what ever reason she flaps her wings and gives a leap and to my surprise there's Taipa on my arm....lol She is already saying some things she says good girl,step up and love you and she is only 12 weeks old
  7. I know I need one ,and I bought one, so now the question is .How many hours per day should it be on?
  8. give him time....you said he will step up onto a perch that you are holding to get back in his cage right???one thing you might want to try is sitting on the floor with him on the wooden perch and each time you pick him up with the wooden perch have your hand a little closer towards him and talk to him in a very soft voice....this sometimes is a great way to gain trust...:cheer:
  9. I came crossed an ad online and a man listed that he has 2 CAG for sale with cages and toys for 450.00 when I emailed him well here is what was said... . from me:Hi I just read your ad and I was wondering where abouts you are?and why are you selling this CAG?My husband and I have been looking around for a CAG. from him:Good morning, I have three baby African grey parrots, they are all 9 months old, but I am willing to sell out just two of them, I have two females and a male, where are you located at? they cost $450 each and will come with a cage including toys, they are all DNA tested and will all be great talkers, I ship to the US ,CANADA and UK, let me know where you are located in the US from me:We are in Jeannette P.A here is our phone number please give us a call so we can talk turkey ok parrot lol (with phone number) from him: Good morning, Shipping to PA will cost $195 if all that is ok please do let me know so that i will call you and lets talk things over, I have a gut feeling this is a scam because why would you list something in Pittsburgh if you had to ship it here :dry:
  10. Hi There, I don't have an CAG as of yet I want one very much and I have been into my local petshop visiting with one for several weeks now.The only thing is the bird loves my husband...lol and he doesn't want a bird I do... The only thing that I am really concerned with is if I buy one will it get along and be comfortable in my home we have a Golden Retriever,Pug,a cat and a 3 year old sometimes when the 3 year old plays with the pug puppy it can get loud in this house....... What do you think?would the Grey get use to this?<br><br>Post edited by: Talon, at: 2007/08/16 03:57
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