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  1. Hi MazyAK, I don't think it is sexual in nature (Mini just hatched in December of last year). From what I had read throughout this same forum, I had gathered it was a sign of affection. I am not encouraging this behavior, but I have noticed she does do it more frequently when we are alone rather than when we are in the livingroom with the rest of the fam. I was just curious as to what to expect.
  2. Hi Ladybug, I am sooooooo glad you guys have found each other. Sometimes life has a way of working out to bring 2 special friends together as in your case Now, personally, I think he is cute as a button and I LOVE the pic of his eyes closing when you are petting him...priceless! Good luck to you and Cosmo...this is just the beginning
  3. Does anyone have experience with feather cysts? Mini Me had a reddish bump on her back over her right wing area and I immediately associated it to her molt since I can plainly see her feathers are growing back all over the wing area (finally...I will never have her clipped that short again!!!). In reading some articles, it certainly does seem like it's a feather cyst, but it has gone down substantially taking about a week to do so. Can these disappear on their own? or do they have to be lanced by a vet? Ok, so I guess it's more than just 2 questions Lastly, how long does it usually take for a Grey to regurgitate? Mini has been attempting to give me that special birdy gift, but has never actually managed to bring it up. Is this something that takes some time to master or is the 'ceremony' of it just as valuable to them as the gift itself?
  4. I have read you should not allow baby Grey's to nibble on your hands or fingers, but I ignored this advice. I hand-fed my baby and because of this I think she saw my fingers as a substitute for the syringe (sorta like pacifiers) so she began nibbling on my fingers. Mini Me has never bitten me in anger. She has, however, bitten out of territoriality towards her cage a few times. At these times, I have looked her straight in the eye (with the 'dirty' look) and said No! rather sternly. She definitely got the message. She's now a year old and she is a compulsive beak cleaner so she generally nibbles my fingers when she wants me to clean her beak. When she's in a more direct mood she will simply grab my fingers with her beak and position my fingers between her upper and lower mandible for a good beak cleaning.
  5. Mini Me now weighs 418 grams. When weaning, she went down to 349 grams and had me worried sick. She eventually stabilized at 378 grams for the longest time. Her body frame has always been petite, but she eats WELL and is very active...so I don't worry about it anymore.
  6. Mini Me was mostly weaned onto Pretty Bird by the pet shop, but the fact that it looks like human kiddie cereal really scared me. I was really unsure on how to handle this since I had just got her to start gaining weight steadily. She was having a hard time weaning completely. I brought her home and she was still on 2 formula feedings. I didn't know any better then and relied on the advice of the pet shop owners. when I took her to her first vet visit (around 5 mos), he quizzed me on what food I had been feeding her. He found her a bit thin, but overall in good health. I was honest and told him that I had switched her to Harrison's. He was 100% on board with this change. Luckily, Mini Me has never been a finicky eater. She basically eats anything she sees us eating. I attribute this to this early diet change and lots of continual variety eversince.
  7. Mini Me has a Sassy rattle which looks like a small piano with 3 keys. When you press one of the keys, a tune plays. This has given her many hours of joy. I attached it to the side of her swing and she just LOVES making it go off and chewing on it endlessly.
  8. Mini Me is OK in the shower as long as her head does not get wet. She's OK when she can actually see the shower head (we have a detachable shower massage thingy and I set in on the lowest setting for her). She will sometimes flap her wings and do that bobbing up and down they do when they are having fun. The whole time, she's on my hand. She will not accept going on a perch to have a shower. However, once the shower goes over her head, she's fidgety and nervous. She begins trying to hold onto my sleeves to get herself out. I giver her a good brief soaking on her back and tail and take her out and give her PLENTY of praise. She then goes on her perch for drying and I will fill up her water dish with extra water in case she's inclined to have more water fun. She usually continues bathing herself in the dish and kinda forgets the whole shower ordeal.
  9. I am very sorry this happened. It is truly heart-breaking and I am hoping you and your family can move on from it and welcome another bird in your home
  10. Mini Me used to be really loud in the morning also and she used to be very resistant to reentering her cage again, but eventually the noise level went down a few tones to contact calls. Now, I take here out of her cage all the while talking to her as she contact calls. I let her stand on the kitching counter as I prepare her breakfast and tell her about what I am planning for my day or about the weather, etc. As I am doing this, she will beg for scritches and tug at my sleeve when she wants my undivided attention. After our morning meeting, I take her back to her cage and she is eager to dig into her yummy breakfast. She doesn't fight me anymore to go in the cage.
  11. Mini Me got her name from the Austin Powers character.
  12. Mini Me's favorite toy was a 4 rubber duckies mobile with chains and bells until the ducks were torn to bits. Now, she's moved onto bigger fish to fry. She plays with a branch ball I made her from parts from the craft store. She loves climbing inside and tearing it apart from within. I foresee that toy will last maybe another week or so tops.
  13. I use an adjustable shower perch affixed to the floor of Mini Me's travel carrier for her to perch on while on the go. Everyone that has seen it has commented on what a clever use of the perch it is so I take it not many ppl use it as such, but it works great and is easy to remove when needing to clean it.
  14. Please let us know how it goes...inquiring minds want to know
  15. I found this site as well: http://members.tripod.com/The_African_Queen/sexing_greys.htm According to this Mini Me is a girl
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