My grey has only had his wings clipped 3 times in his life. When I bought him as a baby, the breeder clipped them. The next time was when he was about 7 months he started learning to fly and had a few close calls with the sauce pan. So we clipped him. I was a little sad that he did not know how to fly properly, so I let his wings grow and boy did he learn! He mastered his flying techniques but he is getting to the terrible twos! Going into places he shouldn't and biting what he shouldn't. He even flew outside twice. So I decided it was time to clip him again. So I took him in yesterday to Omar's Exotic Birds and they clipped his wings, nails, and beak. When we got home he seemed a little sad. He realizes his freedom is gone. He tried to fly and hit the ground hard. He was giving me the cold shoulder all day yesterday. I wish I could keep him flying but I can't watch him every minute of the day. If I am home, he gets to come out of his cage. Do your greys get sad after wing clipping?