HI, I read on internet about aloe vera gel or aloe vera water,you can get it at wally world per. gal. now im not saying it will stop him plucking,but it soothes their skin and you spray them with that instead of water,you can dilute or use full strength,who knows it might help.
hi, im older lady,and am concerned with finding home for my grey once im to old to care for,i am 70 yrs. old and my Pepper is 6yrs. If anyone lives near Henderson,KY. or Evansville,In. would like to hear from you if you might be interested in offering my bird new home some day, thanks Rita
HI, I just added African grey to my home,i am older retired lady an live with my shih tzu Momica,and African grey Pepper,happy to join your group where I can talk to fellow bird lovers,thanks Rita;)