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Everything posted by rome68

  1. rome68

    Help please

    I think that there is a way to look up the tag and find out some history of the bird only what has been documented by the vet. I could be wrong though I recently changed vets and I think he may have looked it up when I first took her there I will be going back soon so I can ask and re post. But it does have the birth year on it. Mario
  2. My grey Vicki was very close to me and my father after my father passed vicki went with my step mom. I got her back after about 7 years step mom couldnt handle her bad behaviors. She stopped all that when I got her back and we have bonded even closer now. So I definetly think you will have no problem. Good luck!!! Mario
  3. Well a move and change of enviroment was probably why boo boo was screaming just give him/her some time to adjust and trust you. And as far as finding out sex blood dna tests have to be done to determine you can have it done at the vet. Good luck and welcome to grey forums. Keep us posted with pics and info. Mario
  4. Thanks for the all the info I will be picking up some pick no more this weekend. I will keep everyone posted on how it works. Mario
  5. Yeah she just went in for a clipping and the dr said she felt good no lumps or bumps her feathers looked great her wings were at full growth. He said that stress could do it but there are many other reasons that could make her pluck like her diet.
  6. He might just need more time take slow steps like using the perch to put him on your arm. As far as petting goes try to get him to put his head down for you and rub the back of his neck. If he doesn't bite you only nips it should just be a matter of time till he comes around. How old is he? He might not know he likes the affection yet.
  7. In my expirience after my dad passed my grey (victoria) did very bad and developed bad behaviors when she moved to my uncles as he has a male grey. they both would squalk all day long wich is why he gave me vicki back but once she was out of there the bad behaviors went away when she moved in with me. I dont know if me and my brother remind her of him and thats why she settled down but she has formed a strong bond with me and other than picking feathers all bad habbits are gone. Although her one thing in her life she has never accepted a woman to ever pet her. Its like she hates women I dont get it my step mom and my mom were both very good to her and usually provided food and water on a daily basis trying to form a bond. I always feel it is better to find a suitable home where the bird can have great attention as he will mourn the loss as well as you will.(but if you have the energy and time the bond you form could help both of you through a rough time).
  8. I think that with any animal purchase you should always do so first hand. We are in an unfortunate age where trust can be so easily foiled over the net. And you should always see where your special pet is coming from. You don't want to buy a miss treated bird. You should also see any paper work of dna testing or any other vet visits.
  9. Oh yeah and she will laugh at them when they listen like I do.
  10. Hi I have a grey (victoria) that won't seem to stop picking her feathers. It all started when I moved out. Finally after 3 months of convincing my mom I finally brought her to my apartment. Where she is out everyday and recieves alot more attention overall. I figured that would do it but she hasn't stopped or even slowed down. She will be 18 in april. My dad bought her in 1989 and then he passed in 1994. She then went back and forth to my uncle and step mom. I finally got her back in 1998 (no one could stand her loud squalking). As soon as she moved home to me that all stopped I still in 2007 haven't heard any of her old squalks. So I would assume she is happy she sings and dances alot and is very playful. I feed her 8n1 seed nut fuit mix with fresh apples and carrots everyday and she usually gets fruit loops for breakfest. Any body have any ideas suggestions. Thank you
  11. I always find that if you have fear the bird will pick it up try to go slowly when aproaching him and be confident. I don't know about taking a bite without a peep(my grey draws blood bad quick). Good luck.
  12. I have a CAG and usually as long as my dogs leave her alone she doesnt bother them. My grey calls my dogs in my voice and the go right to the cage I have two shelties one a year old and a 3 month old.
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