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About M'sBabies

  • Birthday 04/23/1965

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  1. Six weeks ago we got a beautiful Australian Shepherd puppy. (She will be 5 months old next week). Two weeks ago she started having some very serious health issues and has been to see several specialists. We still don't know what is going on or if she is going to make it. We have been pretty much caring for her night/day so there has been more going on all night/day and she will bark/cry which I know is keeping my birds up at night. Between that and the fact that with all that is going on with her we have not been able to spend the time we normally do with our birds I've noticed that Phoenix has been extremely quiet the past couple of days. No chattering, talking, etc. I know he's tired and I'm praying that's all that's going on. Is there anything I can do? Should I cover him for a couple of hours during the day? Unfortunately I am not able to move him to another room. I make sure to spend as much time as I can with him and tell him what a handsome boy he is and how much we love him. We are both trying to keep things semi normal but we are both mentally and physically exhausted. It is absolutely breaking my heart to see him so quiet. I miss my beautiful chatterbox.
  2. Our HVAC unit is being replaced. We have been using a heater and our gas fireplace since Thursday. They were scheduled to be here on Wed. but showed up as we were leaving this morning. I'm not able to get the birds out of the house today before they start up the unit. Should I tell them not to start up the unit until tonight when we can remove the birds for a few hours? We are extremely grateful that they got here early but had not planned on the birds being out of the house today.
  3. Phoenix does not talk much at all. He says Peekaboo, Come Here and Here Kitty Kitty. The other day he came out with "Drink Of Water". lol Now he says it Nonstop! I keep talking to him about other things but he is hooked on that drink of water. I Love my thirsty little guy!
  4. lol I Love this thread. So far my computer and laptop are safe from this extremely persistent virus.
  5. I know, that's what we said! lol Time does go very fast. We couldn't imagine not having him in our lives. Thank You everyone.
  6. Thanks everyone. He has definitely been spoiled already. He got toys and treats and the days not even over yet. lol
  7. My Sweet boy is 2! He brings such joy to us every day. Happy Hatch Day my big handsome boy! We Love You!
  8. "I was framed I tell ya" lol I got such a chuckle out of this.
  9. Thank you. I haven't seen these before. I think they would be great. Thanks again.
  10. Just wondering if anyone has used these. The room where the birds are gets chilly. http://www.drsfostersmith.com/product/prod_display.cfm?pcatid=26388
  11. Phoenix told me I need to have a farm! lol How sweet. Great little supervisor.
  12. So you have had a problem with them also?
  13. Not sure if this is where I should ask but.... We are having a real problem with stink bugs. I have read that it's all over. We have tried everything we can think of and have made huge progress. I was wondering how long we should have the birds out of the house if we were to spray the outside of the house/yard? Also, if anyone else is having this problem any suggestions would be welcome.
  14. Love it!! Nice and big. She is never going to want to come in.
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